North Korea Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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From what I've read, the AS-90 video is from a few months ago, and indications are that the Bulsae-4 only showed up more recently. It's not impossible that the AS-90 was a Bulsae-4 kill, but seems unlikely in that case.

Valiant 1002

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Thành thật mà nói, không ngạc nhiên khi Red Effect không đọc nhiều hoặc nghiên cứu vì nếu anh ấy có đọc, anh ấy sẽ biết rằng Bulsae có nghĩa là Phượng hoàng và Phoenix-4M (Bulsae-4M) đã được bán cho Hamas trong khi Bulsae-4 gốc được tiếp thị với tên gọi AT-4MLB vào năm 2008 cho quân đội Myanmar/Miến Điện.

Bulsae-1 là Shmel
Bulsae-2 là Malyutka
Bulsae-3 là Fagot/Konkurs
Bulsae-4 là Bulsae-3 với LBR SACLOS
Bulsae-5 là Kornet
So this thing would be... Bulsae-6?


Registered Member
Honestly not surprised that Red Effect does not read much or do research as if he did he would know that Bulsae translates to Phoenix and Phoenix-4M(Bulsae-4M) was sold to Hamas while original Bulsae-4 was marketed as AT-4MLB in 2008 to military of Myanmar/Burma.

Bulsae-1 is Shmel
Bulsae-2 is Malyutka
Bulsae-3 is Fagot/Konkurs
Bulsae-4 is Bulsae-3 with LBR SACLOS
Bulsae-5 is Kornet
I thought 2 is fagot, 1 is malyutka. 3 is modernized fagot-m.


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I thought 2 is fagot, 1 is malyutka. 3 is modernized fagot-m.
No. Never. Ever. Was any information to confirm such besides assertion made by those uneducated on topic of North Korea.

Bulsae-1 is Shmel.
Bulsae-2 is Malyutka.
Bulsae-3 is regular Fagot/Konkurs(since unified launcher).
Bulsae-4 is 3 with redone SACLOS from wire to laser beam riding akin to Kornet.
Bulsae-4M is modernized to make launch post lighter with more compact components, this one exported to Hamas.
Bulsae-5 is Kornet clone.


Registered Member
No. Never. Ever. Was any information to confirm such besides assertion made by those uneducated on topic of North Korea.

Bulsae-1 is Shmel.
Bulsae-2 is Malyutka.
Bulsae-3 is regular Fagot/Konkurs(since unified launcher).
Bulsae-4 is 3 with redone SACLOS from wire to laser beam riding akin to Kornet.
Bulsae-4M is modernized to make launch post lighter with more compact components, this one exported to Hamas.
Bulsae-5 is Kornet clone.
May I see an example of a fagot-like atgm labeled with Bulsae-2 label? The two are different enough to visually distinguish. Should be easy enough.