I keep trying to make sense of what combat between ships would look like with everyone launching salvos at the other in an all out war. It always looks like an all-toppings pizza shitshow in my head. Is there a real chance of surviving in such scenarios? How reliable are ship defenses against modern offensive weaponry such as hypersonic bms, drones, cruise missiles, torpedoes etc.? Are these systems fully automated like hitting a button and letting the computer take over prioritizing and neutralizing targets on its own, or does someone have to prioritize things looking at a screen full of dots? Like how does all of that work? How do you even make sure a battle group works in harmony without one ship confusing the other? and finally, with all of that taken into account, would it be better to have smaller ships in larger numbers, or larger ships in smaller numbers?
Obviously the real world is far less predictable, but should give you an idea