I think you guys are missing the bigger picture.
In any business, you worry more about the lack of customers than the lack of suppliers. You can always stock up on supplies, you can't stock up on customers!
Huawei is in no danger of failing as a company. Even if they run out of high-end chips, they can still run a profitable business making low-end phones catering to more than a billion potential customers. All they need to do is to wait for Chinese chip manufacturing to catch up. At worst, they'll lose some international market share for a few years, but once they get the supplies, and once their own OS ecosystem matures, they can bounce back real fast.
On the other hand, American chipmakers do not have such a rosy outlook. They may be getting a bounty now as Huawei stocks up, but after that their sales are going to tank. What happens to businesses who lose big customers? Lay offs and cut backs. What happens to engineers who get laid off? They're going to look for work elsewhere, and guess which market would be hiring exactly that type of talent, right at about that time?
In the history of humanity, technology inevitably spreads to everyone. What do you think is the vehicle of that spread? People! Is the US going to prevent American engineers from immigrating to China for good jobs?
Thank you! Couldn’t have laid this out better.