News on China's scientific and technological development.


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Facts. I work in a different field and it is a similar story. China has strong practical and incremental research but rarely makes the paradigm changing breakthroughs. Even in the most recent AI boom, neither LLMs nor diffusion models nor attention transformers were invented by Chinese, though Chinese researchers did make an important intermediate contribution in ResNet. The West is still the overwhelming source of the most ground breaking research.
Curious, bcoz i hav seen some articles in the past few years, that mainland China has been building new labs, and scientific facilities recently, like the underground atom research thing like "cern", also the one in inner mongolia, space station etc... maybe they lag in breakthroughs, bcoz they hav no facilities yet available b4?


Registered Member
Curious, bcoz i hav seen some articles in the past few years, that mainland China has been building new labs, and scientific facilities recently, like the underground atom research thing like "cern", also the one in inner mongolia, space station etc... maybe they lag in breakthroughs, bcoz they hav no facilities yet available b4?
a huge part is who gets to define breakthrough vs incremental.

first sample return from far side of the moon by Chinese? "incremental".

giving billions to old oligarch companies to do stock buybacks? "a revolutionary breakthrough in technology that will energize our manufacturing base.”

paying millions to confident sounding wht guys for fake medical research and still not fire them after being exposed as fake? "ensuring academic freedom for those with dissenting voices from the mainstream."

get it?