News on China's scientific and technological development.




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Super battery - a byproduct of China's EV battery industry?

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That's just like Popular Science claiming the US can make X-Wing fighters or Helicarriers like you see in Marvel movies but this time it's used to scare themselves into action. I would see more potent applications than just energy weapons if such technology existed. The mental midgets that are worried over this are the same people who want to keep the A-10 Warthog alive. All they see is the big gun replacing their personal shortcomings. They don't want hear that's it's only good against foes that basically have no air defenses. It can be easily shot down therefore not practical against a modernized foe.


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A CAS team created a bionic adhesive that, under "low temperature and atmospheric pressure", can glue sands, slags, mineral residues, etc. into recycalable building materials as strong as those made from regular cement.

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Colonial sandcastle-inspired low-carbon building materials​


  • Natural-based low-carbon building materials (nLCBMs/±) are proposed
  • nLCBMs/± can be obtained at low temperature and atmospheric pressure
  • nLCBMs/± based on various grains exhibit outstanding mechanical performance
  • nLCBMs/± possess recyclability, an anti-weathering property, and scalability


Low-carbon building materials are attracting enormous attention due to the massive energy consumption and carbon emissions from conventional constructions. Existing natural-based building materials are promising for low-carbon constructions but challenging in realizing high mechanical strength for practical applications. Here, inspired by colonial sandcastles, we report the large-scale fabrication of natural-based low-carbon building materials (nLCBMs/±) by a bio-inspired adhesive strategy under low temperature and atmospheric pressure. The as-prepared nLCBMs/± show outstanding compressive strength up to the construction criteria of cement-based materials, hydration-enabled recyclability, and an anti-weathering property. Furthermore, the bio-inspired adhesive strategy is versatile to various grains, such as desert sands, sea sands, concrete slag, coal cinders, and mineral residues. Our finding provides a promising route in accelerating the next-generation construction industry with limited energy consumption and carbon emissions.

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2023年9月20日,中国科学院理化技术研究所王树涛研究员团队在Matter期刊上发表了一篇题为Colonial sandcastle-inspired low-carbon building materials的研究成果。


生产传统水泥基建材在高温焙烧过程中需消耗大量能量(约3.3 GJ/t)并产生巨额碳排放量(约800 kgCO2/t)。针对于此,急需发展新型低碳建筑材料,尤其是基于天然原料的低碳建筑材料,对于在建筑领域内降低碳排放量具有重要意义。近年来,国内外开展了大量的研究工作,提出多种基于天然原料的粘结剂,如生物高分子、细菌矿化粘结剂及酶矿化粘结剂等。然而目前利用各类天然基粘结剂粘结沙粒及其他固体颗粒所形成的块材强度普遍较低,难以满足实际建筑需求。因此设计天然基低碳建筑材料仍具有挑战性。


带有相反电荷高分子的天然基粘结剂可通过静电相互作用,同时增强粘结剂与固体颗粒间的界面粘附强度以及粘结剂的本体强度,进而实现对于固体颗粒的牢固粘结,并最终形成高强度建筑材料。该天然基仿生低碳新型建筑材料的抗压强度高达17 MPa,可达到常规建筑材料要求标准。此外,该天然基仿生低碳新型建筑材料具有优异的抗老化性能、防水性能以及独特的可循环利用性能。因此,这一仿生低碳新型建筑材料在低碳建筑领域具有巨大应用潜力。


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Huazhong University of Science and Technology made breakthrough in high speed 2D floating gate MOSFET storage, i.e. flash memory. Erase time of their flash memory is within the range of 10 to 100ns, with the erase life cycle up to 3x10^6. In comparison, erase time of current commericial products are usually between 10us to 1ms (10000 to 1000000ns), with life of 10^5 erase cycles.

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浮栅晶体管作为一种电荷存储器,是构成当前大容量固态存储器发展的核心元器件。然而,当前,商业闪存内硅基浮栅存储器件所需的擦写时间约10μs-1ms范围,远低于计算单元CPU的数据处理速度(~ns) ,而其循环耐久性约为10^5次,也难以满足频繁的数据交互。随着计算机数据吞吐量的爆发式增长,突破传统浮栅晶体管擦写速度、耐久性等瓶颈,发展一种可兼顾高速、耐久特性的存储技术势在必行。






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Specific areas where China leads include:
  • Inertial Navigation Systems
  • Magnetic Field Sensors
  • Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imaging Sensors
  • Photonic Sensors
  • Radar
  • Satellite Position and Navigation
  • Sonar and Acoustic Sensors
On the other hand, the US has a lead in:
  • Quantum Sensors
  • Atomic Clocks
  • Gravitational Sensors

WFT is going on with the notorious ASPI suddenly with all these breathless findings/warnings/dubious claims one after another about China's supposed leads in all these obscure areas? Have they just reinvented themselves? Or are they just the same old sh*t in a new bottle?


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Huawei Vows to Build 'Computing Backbone' for China's AI Ambitions​

Solid Backbone​

"Huawei is committed to building a solid computing backbone for China," said Meng, according to
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. "Our end goal is to help meet the diverse AI computing needs of different industries."

The chairwoman notably avoided discussing the Mate 60 Pro smartphone and its
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system-on-chip produced in China (
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). However, a commitment to building a computing backbone for the People's Republic is an almost literal confirmation that the company is set to create processors for artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC) applications.

In her address, Meng emphasized Huawei's ambition to create a robust computational infrastructure for China that would cater to the varied AI requirements of multiple sectors. She conveyed the company's strategy to collaborate with clients, partners, and developers to expedite advancements in intelligence across diverse industries.

Meng serves as Huawei's CFO and is the daughter of Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei. Therefore, she isn't just a high-ranking executive but may represent a future vision of the company. This underscores the importance of unity and perseverance in achieving these goals.

Huawei's Approach to AI​

Zhang Ping'an, the CEO of Huawei Cloud, unveiled a range of AI products designed to meet the specific needs of industries such as mining, healthcare, and government. Among these were the Pangu models, which employ a 5+N+X decoupling architecture and layered AI capabilities.

While Huawei did not elaborate, 'decoupling architecture' generally means separating system components for flexibility and easier management. Such an architecture aims for modularity and scalability, allowing Pangu models to support various applications across various industries. For example, the Pangu model for vehicles has reduced the learning time required for autonomous driving systems from over two weeks to less than two days, according to Huawei.

According to Zhang, Huawei has proactively sent experts, including PhDs, to work directly with enterprises in implementing advanced AI technologies. He said that this effort has already benefited over 1,000 companies, and an additional 200 PhDs are slated to visit customer sites this year to help integrate intelligent technologies with industry-specific needs.