News on China's scientific and technological development.


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China has published more papers on the "most impactful" journals than anyone else in 2022.

Out of the 178 fields in R&D, 159 journals have the highest impact factor in their relevant fields. In 2022, there are 54002 papers published by these journals. Among them, 16349, or 30.3%, are from Chinese scientists, surpassing the US for the first time.

On the 371 journals that are considered the top 10% by number of citations, impact factor and number of papers published annually, China remains the number one origin of authors. Chinese scientists as the lead authors published 93.6 thousands papers on these journals out of the 348.6 thousands in total.

In 2022, total 28.4 thousand papers were published on the 16 most prestiges journals that have impact factors above 30 and more than 100 thousand citations. Chinese scientists published 1140 of them, a second in the world, at the same position as in 2021.

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Super battery - a byproduct of China's EV battery industry?

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The author is 标题党, creating sensation by exagerating. An equal question can be asked "Can a LFP Li production line build ternary Li battery?" Same answer, no. The chemicals are different, therefor not a byproduct of EV industry.

It does share expertise with EV battery research in the fundamentals.

I searched through website of Journal of Naval Engineering, could not find the mentioned article. I wonder how could the author get hold of the content and made up his article.

However I found the abstract of the paper here
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. It is called 超级电容电池 (super capacitor battery). According to the abstract it's still "fundamentally" a battery (not exactly), but having performance of super capacitor. It is the usage of the word "fundamentally" makes me think that it is far from a conventional EV battery. It is because of this, I think the SCMP author is 脑补 his article without knowing what he is talking about.

Now the positive part. The "battery" has 100C-300C (fast discharge). It has been used as battery for starting motor for heavy duty ICE.


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A joined team of Northeastern University and CAS developed a new material that sets a new record in solar steam generation.

"By incorporating them into three-dimensional porous hydrogel-based evaporators with a conical cavity, an unprecedentedly high evaporation rate of roughly 6.09 kilograms per square metre per hour is achieved for 3.5 weight percent saline water under 1 sun of irradiation without salt precipitation."

Their trial system placed outdoor in Shenyang produced 23 litres of fresh water per sq meter per day in average.

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Solar steam interfacial evaporation represents a promising strategy for seawater desalination and wastewater purification owing to its environmentally friendly character
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. To improve the solar-to-steam generation, most previous efforts have focused on effectively harvesting solar energy over the full solar spectrum
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. However, the importance of tuning joint densities of states in enhancing solar absorption of photothermal materials is less emphasized. Here we propose a route to greatly elevate joint densities of states by introducing a flat-band electronic structure. Our study reveals that metallic λ-Ti3O5 powders show a high solar absorptivity of 96.4% due to Ti–Ti dimer-induced flat bands around the Fermi level. By incorporating them into three-dimensional porous hydrogel-based evaporators with a conical cavity, an unprecedentedly high evaporation rate of roughly 6.09 kilograms per square metre per hour is achieved for 3.5 weight percent saline water under 1 sun of irradiation without salt precipitation. Fundamentally, the Ti–Ti dimers and U-shaped groove structure exposed on the λ-Ti3O5 surface facilitate the dissociation of adsorbed water molecules and benefit the interfacial water evaporation in the form of small clusters. The present work highlights the crucial roles of Ti–Ti dimer-induced flat bands in enchaining solar absorption and peculiar U-shaped grooves in promoting water dissociation, offering insights into access to cost-effective solar-to-steam generation.

News story:
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9月13日,Nature在线发表了东北大学左良教授团队、秦高梧教授团队与中国科学院金属研究所陈星秋研究员团队的合作研究结果,论文题目为“Flatband λ-Ti3O5 towards extraordinary solar steam generation”。该论文第一作者为东北大学材料科学与工程学院/材料各向异性与织构教育部重点实验室杨波副教授,通讯作者为左良教授。



基于上述理解,将光热转换材料λ-Ti3O5与聚乙烯醇(PVA)混合,制作出了三维多孔连通结构的蒸发器,在1个太阳光照条件下(1 kW m-2)获得了高达6.09 kg m-2 h-1的水蒸发速率,创造了长时间工作且无盐分析出的太阳能驱动光热水蒸发速率的新纪录(图3a,b)。进一步设计了户外海水淡化和淡水收集装置,置于东北大学南湖校区户外自然光照时的平均日收集淡水量达到23 L m-2 day-1(图3c-e),展现出了良好的应用前景。


that imposes huge costs on them AND they'll have to do it with much less revenue.

True, and Chinese companies could take their advantage by offering both versions. If the best Bluetooth is the current one, they could earn bigger profits as most will opt for Nearlink. It takes 10ms to feel a sharp pain and 13ms to see an image, so 1/30ms is how mindboggling Nearlink is.


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True, and Chinese companies could take their advantage by offering both versions. If the best Bluetooth is the current one, they could earn bigger profits as most will opt for Nearlink. It takes 10ms to feel a sharp pain and 13ms to see an image, so 1/30ms is how mindboggling Nearlink is.
It would also make it harder for those brands to enter the chinese market, hell maybe even the BRICS market zone.