News on China's scientific and technological development.


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I find this to be interesting news also.
Huawei is selling its vision of 5.5G at MWC in Barcelona
It kind of just brings together everything we've talked about recently on things that Huawei has been working on.

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wider band
more automation
more intelligence

They've already found a customer in Dubai
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This is why Huawei is popular in the Middle East. They provide the best technology and the GCC countries just chew it up.


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it seems the US is still high on copium these days
China gets ~5 million new STEM graduates per year. The US manages about 500K. Even with the recent fertility decline, that impact won't be felt for another 20 years. So China is producing 10X the STEM talent US does and will do so for a few decades.

Quality-wise, I have not seen any serious scholarship to suggest that Chinese universities are any worse in research output these days. A lot of legacy rankings of universities include soft stuff like "reputation", which will always favor the established players.


Lieutenant General
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MWC 2023 is great for advertising Huawei products. After 3 years of lockdowns, Huawei can finally show the world the smart technologies they've developed

One of which is the smart port/road that they have deployed in Tianjin with Industrial 5G and L4 ADAS vehicles that automate the handling of containers.
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Another area is their move into energy storage systems and green technology. Here got multiple orders from 5 Turkish firms
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Another is their core networking product
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And their mapping product. I had no idea they are challenging Western mapping services here with a world wide product.
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And even developing generic ICT solutions for real estate sector
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They basically succeeded in creating new markets by making networks go faster and using that to improve live in various ways and now they are trying to sell that idea to others. Here they talk up 5g and 5.5g
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Lieutenant General
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The problem is that 5G itself has been underwhelming if you live in Western countries.
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A lot of money were spent on the infrastructure, but people really haven't experienced the increasing speed yet.

You can see why Huawei is doing this. They want to sell more gears. But they are not going to be able to sell this in Europe when installation costs with union labor is so high. They are never going to install 5G here in NYC, lol

But I think it might catch on in certain middle eastern and Asian countries.


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The problem is that 5G itself has been underwhelming if you live in Western countries.
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A lot of money were spent on the infrastructure, but people really haven't experienced the increasing speed yet.

You can see why Huawei is doing this. They want to sell more gears. But they are not going to be able to sell this in Europe when installation costs with union labor is so high. They are never going to install 5G here in NYC, lol

But I think it might catch on in certain middle eastern and Asian countries.
Well the key parts from those articles you posted, for me, was that this new gear comes in a package weighing just 12kg, which is light enough for 1 man to take up a pole 1 handed. This covers 3G, 4G and 5.5G, possibly.

Couple that with the 20% reduction in electricity bills and there suddenly becomes a quite compelling case, no matter where you are.

Then if you add the sensor function on top…. Everyone should buy this, except for geo-political reasons.