News on China's scientific and technological development.


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The China-made world's 1st whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system with an ultra-high magnetic field as high as 5.0T debuted Wed at the European Congress of Radiology in Vienna, Austria, enhancing diagnostic accuracy with high resolution and signal-to-noise ratio..


These MRI machines are some one of the most advance machines has ever developed by Humans. the accuracy and precision are too complex that only few handful companies can produce. some says, these MRI machines second only to lithography machines in terms of complexity.

After years of research and development. Shanghai based firm called 'UNITED IMAGING' broke the foreign monopoly in this critical technology.


View attachment 108163

Really? India is top 3 in the world for advanced aircraft engines? Ahead of UK (Rolls-Royce) and France (Safran)? Iran is #5?

I'm willing to believe that China is ahead in a lot of areas, but that report is garbage.

They seem to be counting and weighting research papers. That's all well and good, but it omits several rather crucial intermediary steps between research papers and actually developing and producing something that functions, has real-world applications, is commercially viable, etc.


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Is there any particular field or area of technology that you think China or a chinese company is working on or has made great progress in that's more or less a total secret to most of the world or even to China watchers? I'm thinking controversial fields like GMO babies or matters of absolute national secrecy like next gen weapon systems.

For the topic, I think China is making lots of hidden progress on GMO babies. I don't think that He Jiankui would have done what he did without some support from his University or colleagues, so there may be a University or group of researchers taking a look at what genes to edit to make someone smarter, taller etc and how to safety edit human embryos, even if they aren't doing it on mass. Having 3 of the only gene edited babies in the worlds to study has to account for something.


Senior Member
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Is there any particular field or area of technology that you think China or a chinese company is working on or has made great progress in that's more or less a total secret to most of the world or even to China watchers? I'm thinking controversial fields like GMO babies or matters of absolute national secrecy like next gen weapon systems.

For the topic, I think China is making lots of hidden progress on GMO babies. I don't think that He Jiankui would have done what he did without some support from his University or colleagues, so there may be a University or group of researchers taking a look at what genes to edit to make someone smarter, taller etc and how to safety edit human embryos, even if they aren't doing it on mass. Having 3 of the only gene edited babies in the worlds to study has to account for something.
Well, it's pretty darn sure that they do have various next gen weapon systems under research/development.


Junior Member
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Well, it's pretty darn sure that they do have various next gen weapon systems under research/development.
Yeah but what kind? Conventional stuff of course, next gen fighters tanks etc etc. But weird weapon systems? One big surprise was nuclear reactors for ultra long range torpedos.


Senior Member
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Yeah but what kind? Conventional stuff of course, next gen fighters tanks etc etc. But weird weapon systems? One big surprise was nuclear reactors for ultra long range torpedos.
I mean you said total secret before, as for 'weird weapon systems', I don't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

And I guess stuff like railguns or the 'rotating detonating engine' (or whatever it name was) also doesn't count.
Maybe Tengyun? The spaceplane (takeoff from airport, flies to nearspace releasing payload, flies back to airport)


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View attachment 108163

Really? India is top 3 in the world for advanced aircraft engines? Ahead of UK (Rolls-Royce) and France (Safran)? Iran is #5?

I'm willing to believe that China is ahead in a lot of areas, but that report is garbage.
regardless of India. Most studies that try to gauge who's ahead in science (US v China) China pretty much always ends up at the top by a good margin. It is clear by now that China has surpassed the U.S in science. And China still isn't even close to utilizing its human capital to its full potential. The U.S is royally fucked, doomed to irrelevance in the future just as the Europeans are. They thought they didn't need manufacturing since they could just r&d the technology, but China has come and shown that they can not only hold on to their manufacturing but dominate science r&d as well. China just beat the U.S, who is giving it their all, while not even trying all that hard.


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Huawei Releases an Upgraded Engineering Simulation Solution at MWC 2023​

According to news from the micro-network, Huawei's official website recently revealed that the company demonstrated an upgraded version of the engineering simulation solution at the 2023 World Mobile Communications Conference (MWC), which is oriented to the manufacturing industry and provides key ICT infrastructure solutions such as data center computing, storage, and switches. plan. Provide powerful computing power and innovative software and hardware to help manufacturers accelerate product development.

According to the article, computer-aided engineering (CAE) simulation is critical for research and design (R&D) optimization. High Performance Computing (HPC) provides CAE with powerful computing capabilities and accelerates development. However, there are some challenges with using CAE. Including multiple data transmission, high concurrency, and complex scenarios.

Huawei has a deep understanding of the key role of simulation in R&D based on its deep manufacturing experience, and the company also has extensive experience working with automotive customers who rely on vehicle crash testing, fluid dynamics, electromagnetics, and structural simulation in their manufacturing processes.

Liu Chao, CEO of Huawei Manufacturing Corps, said that the diversity of the automotive industry means that simulation technology must adapt to a wide range of solving algorithms and resource requirements. This is why Huawei provides a flexible scheduling system for CAE simulation. Users can manage multiple clusters through one system, enabling more efficient cluster management by dragging and dropping applications. The system supports integrated design and calculation, and HPC can be used to complete data preprocessing, calculation and post-processing simulation without leaving the data lake.

Huawei also provides open hardware capabilities and high-bandwidth Converged Ethernet Remote Direct Memory Access (RoCE) networking to build a high-performance computing network with zero packet loss. This enables more efficient computing than InfiniBand. The high-density storage capacity density is 2.67 times that of other products. In terms of computing, mainstream industrial software can be integrated through transcoding. (Proofreading/Chen Xinghua)

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Baidu Maps takes advantage of high precision navigation capabilities of Beidou to help reduce traffic jams on red light and increase commute efficiency across 30+ Chinese cities.

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