News on China's scientific and technological development.


I guess this is important for China's auto industry: China Association of Automobile Manufacturers just rolled out "Automotive Operating System Open Source Plan".
News from IT House on February 19th, on February 18th, the Software Branch of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as: Software Branch) released the China Automotive Operating System Open Source Plan (hereinafter referred to as: Open Source Plan).

IT Home learned that Puhua Basic Software responded positively, and as one of the core initiators of the open source plan,The member units of the United Software Branch are FAW, Dongfeng, Changan, China Automobile Chuangzhi, China Electronics Technology 32, Western Zhilian, Horizon, Xinchi, Advanced Operating System Innovation Center, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and other enterprises and universitiesform an open source co-construction partner, and implement an open source plan.
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Midea/KUKA's robots play a crucial role in the auto industry.
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SeeSeePee doctor uses 5G robot to perform organ harvesting on Uighur while working from home.

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This really proves that the entire country has a fully installed standalone 5G network, reaching all corners of the country.

That is the big difference between a 4G network and a 5G network, one of improvements is latency. Meaning the standalone 5G network is almost instantaneous.

(Note, that how everyone want to roll out 5G was to do the antenna and basestations first, but that was still using the installed 4G network as the real backbone to transmit data. A 4G network does not have that same latency advantage. Hence, that is why there is the term standalone 5G network, because eventually all the current networks with 4G gear, will be replaced with 5G gear, like the cables and whatever else needs replacing. Hence, this is a big job. China already did it.)

An old article. The pandemic and the various trade war and tech war might have slowed things down, but in the end, it was a delay measured in months and not years.

On the other hand, that war in Europe will delay things over there probably by years.

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Fudan University released China’s first ChatGPT-like chatbot platform to the public yesterday, beating Baidu and other Chinese projects to the punch.

Developed by Prof. Qiu Xipeng’s team at the Fudan University Natural Language Processing Group, Moss can perform tasks such as conversation generation, programming, as well as asking and answering questions. The project, which is also supported by the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, is expected to be shared through open source in the future.

To use Moss, testers need an invitation code, which they can obtain after adding their phone number to a waiting list, according to the platform’s website. But many users received the notice “the server is overloaded, please try again tomorrow” when trying to enter the site yesterday.

The server may be slow to respond because of too many visitors after the service was released to the public late yesterday, the person in charge of the development team told Yicai Global.

A number of Chinese internet giants, including Baidu, Alibaba Group Holding, and 360 Security Technology, are rushing to develop large-scale conversational language models similar to ChatGPT. Baidu said on Feb. 7 that it would complete internal testing of its service next month.

ChatGPT’s model has hundreds of billions of parameters, with many staffers needed for data labeling and long training. Microsoft started developing chatbots in 2016, so it will not be easy for Chinese companies to catch up in the short term.

The main gap between Moss and OPenAI’s ChatGPT lies in the scale of the data, a source familiar with Fudan University’s chatbot told Yicai Global. There is still much room for improvement in terms of task completion and knowledge reserves, according to the team behind Moss.

Fudan University unveiled
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-like large language model Moss, the first of its kind in China..



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Chen Hongwei's research group from the Department of Electronics has made progress in the field of integrated optical computing

Tsinghua News, February 20th. Machine
learning technology has been widely used in the field of high-performance information processing. At the same time, the requirements for computing capacity, computing speed, and energy consumption are getting higher and higher when solving various complex tasks. However, the calculation speed of existing hardware is severely limited by the traditional von Neumann architecture. As the time required for the calculation process increases, the calculation efficiency will become low and the energy consumption will be greater. In recent years, photonic methods have shown extraordinary potential in performing deep learning processes involving complex calculations. Many research institutions at home and abroad have successively proposed new architectures for integrated photonic neural networks, such as based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), micro Ring resonator (MRR) and photonic neural network designed by WDM system, etc. However, at this stage, integrated photonic neural networks generally have the problem of limited large-scale expansion of computing units, which seriously limits the further improvement of computing capacity.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of integrated diffractive photonic neural network
The research group of Professor Chen Hongwei from the Department of Electronics, Tsinghua University proposed an integrated diffractive photon neural network (DONN) based on subwavelength structure, which overcomes the volume limitation of spatial diffractive photon neural network, not only greatly improves the integration of computing units, but also reduces the Errors due to bulky bulk optics and system calibration. For other integrated photonic neural networks, the DONN chip gets rid of the restriction of the number of waveguides, and it is easier to realize the large-scale expansion of computing units on the chip, thus solving the problem of high computing capacity of integrated photonic neural networks. The DONN optical computing chip implemented in this study has a computing throughput of 1.38×10 4 TOPS (TOPS: Trillions of operations per second, trillion operations per second), and a chip computing power density of up to 10 16 FLOPS/mm 2 (FLOPS: Floating-point operations per second, the number of floating-point operations per second), the energy consumption is about 10 -17 J/FLOP (FLOP: Floating-point operations, floating-point operations). The DONN chip has complete domestic independent intellectual property rights, and the preparation process is also completely realized in China. It is compatible with the standard complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process and meets the conditions of large-scale and low-cost production.
Chen Hongwei's research group has systematically completed the whole process verification of the integrated diffractive photonic neural network chip, including theoretical exploration, simulation verification, structural design, layout drawing, chip processing, packaging and system error compensation. This achievement will significantly improve the practicability of integrated photonic neural network chips, and it is expected to realize the integration of multiple DONN computing units on one chip, so that the on-chip optical computing system has stronger processing capabilities, which will greatly promote integrated optical computing, photonics The rapid development of intelligence and other fields.

Figure 2. DONN package physical picture, chip structure and test results
The achievement was published in Nature Communications under the title of " Photonic machine learning with on-chip diffractive optics

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Methanol can be used as a cleaner fuel directly or as a hydrogen carrier to lower the cost of transporting and storing hydrogen. When used for the latter propose, methanol is transported to hydrogen fueling stations and then converted to 99.99% pure H2 at the fueling stations.

AI-assisted blood analysis:

Seeding with a drone is 50 times faster than manual work.

IoT is expanding fast in China.