News on China's scientific and technological development.


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“My dream is that after the joint efforts of our generation and generations, after ten or twenty years, Shenzhen will occupy an important place in the world biomedical map; When everyone talks about the Greater Bay Area of biomedicine, the first thing that will come to mind is here in the Eastern Hemisphere!”



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Something really strange happened today. Wonder everyone else's thoughts on this are

3 big tech got into JVs with 3 of the largest SOE tech firms. What's going on?
Only the cooperation of China Unicom is real, it is just a joint venture company, mainly engaged in the content distribution network (CDN) and edge computing business

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DJI is not the only success drone company.

Looks like Feiyu here is quite a success too. Their products are a little more expensive.
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There are more than 12,000 civilian drone companies in China, with a total output value of 87 billion yuan. Among them, there are more than 1,500 in Shenzhen alone, with an output value of nearly 60 billion yuan. In terms of industrial drones, China accounts for about 55% of the global market, and for consumer drones, China accounts for 74% of the global market. Industry insiders said that due to the expansion of demand for contactless distribution and intelligent applications in the past two years, the drone industry has maintained a rapid annual growth rate of about 30%. It is expected that the output value of the domestic drone industry will exceed 100 billion yuan in 2022.


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Northwestern Polytechnical University made breakthrough in creating ultra strong "eutectic high-entropy alloys (EHEA)".

"Our phase-selectively recrystallized EHEA achieves a high ductility of ∼35% uniform elongation with true stress of ∼2 GPa."

Such alloys will have wide uses in "shields of spacecrafts" and "high end armours".

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Excellent ductility is crucial not only for shaping but also for strengthening metals and alloys. The ever most widely used eutectic alloys are suffering from the limited ductility and losing competitiveness among advanced structural materials. Here we report a distinctive concept of phase-selective recrystallization to overcome this challenge for eutectic alloys by triggering the strain hardening capacity of the duplex phases completely. We manipulate the strain partitioning behavior of the two phases in a eutectic high-entropy alloy (EHEA) to obtain the phase-selectively recrystallized microstructure with a fully recrystallized soft phase embedded in the skeleton of a hard phase. The resulting microstructure fully releases the strain hardening capacity in EHEA by eliminating the weak boundaries. Our phase-selectively recrystallized EHEA achieves a high ductility of ∼35% uniform elongation with true stress of ∼2 GPa. This concept is universal for various duplex alloys with soft and hard phases and opens new frontiers for traditional eutectic alloys as high-strength metallic materials.

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中新网西安11月3日电 (记者 阿琳娜)记者3日从西北工业大学获悉,该校科研团队在双相合金强韧化方面研究取得突破性进展,提出了双相合金的相选择再结晶概念,实现了双相合金力学性能的显著提升。这一研究成果,让人类制造出密度低、强度高,且具有良好变形能力的合金材料,不再只是幻想。














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Tianjing University made natural cocoon silk into ultra strong artificial fiber that is 70% stronger spider silk. Spider silk, known as the strongest natural protain fiber so far, is 5 to 10 times stronger than steel of same weight.

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中新网天津11月3日电 (孙玲玲 焦德芳 李晴)记者从天津大学获悉,日前,天津大学生命科学学院林志教授团队提出超强人造蚕丝制备新方法,首次将廉价的普通蚕丝转换成具有超高强度的人造蚕丝。相关成果已发表在国际著名材料学期刊《物质》。






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After years of hard work, scientists from Nanjing Medical University found a way to make "fast-onset" new antidepressant drugs. Their work is considered a major breakthrough in antidepressant research in the past 60 years.

Paper in English:
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A new class of antidepressant drugs​

Presently available antidepressant drugs have unpleasant side effects, addictive properties, or can induce schizophrenia. Developing fast-onset antidepressants without these drawbacks is thus an important neuropharmacological goal. Sun et al. discovered that dissociating the serotonin transporter from nitric oxide synthase specifically reduced intercellular serotonin concentration in a brain region called the dorsal raphe nucleus. Disrupting this interaction enhanced serotonergic neuron activity in this area and dramatically promoted serotonin release into the medial prefrontal cortex, thereby producing a fast-onset antidepressant effect. A small-molecule blocker of the nitric oxide synthase–serotonin transporter interaction had a fast-onset antidepressant effect in an animal model. —PRS


Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most common mental disorders. We designed a fast-onset antidepressant that works by disrupting the interaction between the serotonin transporter (SERT) and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN). Chronic unpredictable mild stress (CMS) selectively increased the SERT-nNOS complex in the DRN in mice. Augmentation of SERT-nNOS interactions in the DRN caused a depression-like phenotype and accounted for the CMS-induced depressive behaviors. Disrupting the SERT-nNOS interaction produced a fast-onset antidepressant effect by enhancing serotonin signaling in forebrain circuits. We discovered a small-molecule compound, ZZL-7, that elicited an antidepressant effect 2 hours after treatment without undesirable side effects. This compound, or analogous reagents, may serve as a new, rapidly acting treatment for MDD.

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