News on China's scientific and technological development.


"the engineer"
It is hypocritical that China widely promotes alcohol culture even using revolutionary imagery in some places but fiercely oppose marijuana legalization.

Marijuana is far less harmful, it is just culturally foreign to China, but if alcohol can be swapped for marijuana overnight in the whole country, then it would be a most positive trade.

Of course, the issue is that if marijuana is legalized, alcohol will still persist, so the danger is that instead of decreasing harm, it will just create more high people.

Addiction is caused first and foremost by people losing hope due to living in horrible conditions. Did British soldiers point guns at Qing people and force them to smoke opium? No. Are there PLA soldiers forcing Americans to inject fentanyl? No.

During the period of the opium war, opium and even worse drugs were also legal in Britain, but British people firstly lived in a far more centralized and controlled environment, where a day of not working would mean homelessness and death. Secondly, they were living in an environment where the parents had horrible lives but their children very noticeably could see light at the end of the tunnel. That aspect of life getting better and better meant Imperial Britain only got normal levels of addiction.

As long as China manages to keep people happy, safe and give them access to healthcare to end addiction, having all sorts of addictive substances legal will not harm the overall trends of the country.
Correction. Opium is illegal in Britain and her colonies during the time of opium war.

For those advocating loosening the rules for weed, or same sex marriage etc to attract a few scientists, I say NO.

If you bend the rules for a few people, then it drives inequality, then where do you draw the line? China is the way it is because it looks down at these vices.

The people it would attract are also not top caliber if they do indulge in recreational drugs. Afterall, marijuana effects brain development in teenagers and young adults. Ie make them stupid.

Ending addiction is a losing battle and always cost more than prevention. Why do you think there is the whole "no to drugs" campaign in schools starting in elementary school for the last 3 decades? And not just go smoke a joint, if you start to steal money from your parents we will send you to rehab campaign?

No need to promote same sex marriage and all that woke crap either. China already needs more babies and someone want to promote more gays? That doesn't make any sense.

Getting some scientists to move back to China is a bonus, but really needs to depend on ourselves.


Registered Member
Correction. Opium is illegal in Britain and her colonies during the time of opium war.

For those advocating loosening the rules for weed, or same sex marriage etc to attract a few scientists, I say NO.

If you bend the rules for a few people, then it drives inequality, then where do you draw the line? China is the way it is because it looks down at these vices.

The people it would attract are also not top caliber if they do indulge in recreational drugs. Afterall, marijuana effects brain development in teenagers and young adults. Ie make them stupid.

Ending addiction is a losing battle and always cost more than prevention. Why do you think there is the whole "no to drugs" campaign in schools starting in elementary school for the last 3 decades? And not just go smoke a joint, if you start to steal money from your parents we will send you to rehab campaign?

No need to promote same sex marriage and all that woke crap either. China already needs more babies and someone want to promote more gays? That doesn't make any sense.

Getting some scientists to move back to China is a bonus, but really needs to depend on ourselves.
A country is more than an economy and a military. It is a cultural construct and culture includes certain rules and taboos. The line has to be drawn at drugs, particularly, toxic neuroactive substances that can be smoked with no historical or cultural significance.


New Member
Registered Member
A country is more than an economy and a military. It is a cultural construct and culture includes certain rules and taboos. The line has to be drawn at drugs, particularly, toxic neuroactive substances that can be smoked with no historical or cultural significance.
Yes which is why cigarettes and other tobacco products should be banned and the traditional Chinese medicinal herb 麻 cultivated from 2700 BCE in China should be strictly regulated and reincorporated into existing tcm pharmacology.


Registered Member
How ironic. The most fervently anti-Western people who call for the West's (particularly the US) demise 24/7 want to promote Western values within China for the sake of "building China". This clearly showcases cultural identity disorder.
Its called soft power. It is visible and invisible at the same time. It always exists and can influence your perception of reality in many ways


When shit hits the fan, the caption might change into
"A Wing Loong every 15 seconds"

Plus one YJ-21 every 20 seconds; one GJ-11 every 40 seconds; one J-20 every 60 seconds; one DF-27 every 90 seconds; one DF-41 every 120 seconds; and one H-20 every 300 seconds.

Holy shit, Russia's whole war effort has just been saved by 1 factory
Actually, all we need is a kamikaze drone every 15 seconds, which is utterly in the realm of possibility.

Unmanned farming tractor equipped with BeiDou GPS with a accuracy of within 20 mm: