News on China's scientific and technological development.


To be honest I don't see that many "Chinese internet warriors". Go to youtube, facebook, twitter (some there for sure but nowhere near as many as Western internet warriors), reddit, and the comments section of any publication. You will find at best one or two voices speaking for China and from a non-extremist approach. The vast majority of comments are delusionally inaccurate and downright China hating. So this fear of "bad reputation" isn't determined, reversed, or made worse by the presence of "Chinese internet warriors" who are far and few in between anyway and usually Chinese diaspora or westerners who have been to China, worked closely with Chinese people etc and of course only a fraction of that group who feel inclined to speak out for it I guess.

As for GDP per capita, I think $20,000 USD is incredibly high. I honestly thought it was around $9,000 USD to the $10K mark.

One has to remember that the only "large" population nation that is in that list is the US which is totally developed and industrialised and has been for a long time. It has also been the economic superpower for the last 70 years and it's not even at the top of the per capita list because small populations (of developed industrialised nations) skew it quite a bit. With large populations usually come greater nominal capacity for science, tech, industry e.g. USA vs Korea or Japan US has considerably higher capacity for this due to access to a much greater funding and talent pool (despite Korea and Japan doing enormously well in any measure regardless). While larger populations also have their drawbacks - people are left behind.

Compare India and China for per capita and the picture is clearer. India is around $2K and China around $20K. And this is China having half its population as working age while India's got over 70% of its population in working age.

India's rupee loses value over time. $2K is in USD already so alright whatever. China's RMB is significantly devalued for export competitiveness. If it were floated properly (and with consistently high and now even more newer demand for RMB), China's economic size measured in USD almost doubles. US GDP includes so many ridiculous FIRE sector accounting while China's local politicians like pumping up their numbers but the nation is considered to under reports GDP. It's strategically important for China to under report GDP if anything. It just attracts all the wrong kinds of attention and brings it no favours for looking wealthier than it is or as wealthy as it really is. There are even American fund managers and commentators who consider the US GDP to be truly overstated because it counts plenty of non-productive things as GDP. I really doubt China does this when it's strategy is to do the exact opposite not to mention it's actually important and beneficial for China to under report.

When China overtakes on paper and people realise, the gap between would be convincing to even semi-woke and observant people.

China's reported $20K GDP per cap (adjusted for PPP) now is if anything understated (to avoid unwanted attention and action), and this is higher than I thought it would be because China has about half its population not working full time due to older age and lower education standards from previous generations (for the majority). It is also with a severely devalued RMB.

Adjust for both these factors to a Western nation (as long as not Japan or South Korea who have similarly low birth rates and high aging population) and adjust for RMB, it's approaching the developed and industrialised league.

There are enough of them to be quoted by Western media every now and then. They can be found on Weibo and outside China.


Who gives a flying hoot dude. Why does it matter anyway? The west doesn't need to be told how bad China is supposed to be because to most China is bad due to CCP.

You don't, but the Chinese government gives. When it comes from the mouth of Chinese, the West says, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."


Registered Member
Neither should internet warriors say things that put China in a bad light.

So few do.

For every 1000 American or westerner or whoever that says things which put their nations in a bad light, there is about 1 Chinese doing the same on the English speaking side of the internet.

Like F&U said with his sarcasm, this isn't what puts China in a bad light or attract bad attention. China's rise in influence is what attracts that attention because it takes away from the power and influence of those who want to remain hegemonic and of course reduce their share of resources. They will hate you regardless. Dont you get it? There are plenty and plenty of Chinese who do the opposite, far more than the ones who speak up for China. What favour have those people "earned" with their vocal agreement with western narratives? None beyond some empty platitudes from worthless faceless online accounts. What you're implying simply isn't a way to really improve yourself. It's just a way to distract and focus on cheap talk ... sort of like Indians. Meanwhile allow the continued drainage of your nation and peoples by those who rule. They'll tell you you're a good person as you commend them. Very smart lol.

Clearly deranged and deluded chauvinists who talk and think without fact and evidence, are to be ignored. In the west, these sorts of people are a dime a dozen... literally. Should the west consider silencing these morons or creating policies to reverse the "damage" they do? The equivalent of these sorts of people in China are FAR and few and only increasing in recent years in response to how ridiculous the west has gotten over the years. But still at a slower rate because most Chinese are unaware of how rabid the west has become ... with liberal agendas and narratives who even benefit from the chauvinism and racial/ethnic based hatred of the right.
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Registered Member
There are enough of them to be quoted by Western media every now and then. They can be found on Weibo and outside China.

Wait what? lol

Are you serious?

Western media go out of their way to look for specific voices of ridiculously chauvinistic Chinese people and somehow that is worth ... anything? Chinese media doesn't go out of their way to amplify the voice of criminally chauvinistic western people even thought that's increasingly common.

What do you propose then? Just curious.


Wait what? lol

Are you serious?

Western media go out of their way to look for specific voices of ridiculously chauvinistic Chinese people and somehow that is worth ... anything? Chinese media doesn't go out of their way to amplify the voice of criminally chauvinistic western people even thought that's increasingly common.

What do you propose then? Just curious.

Think of the consequences of what we write. Already in this forum, we have a few Chinese who expressed their misconceptions of China that led to other members to engage in long debates that went on for pages.

Therefore, don't do the work of sullying China's reputation for the MSM. It's not about our chauvinism. It's about propaganda which China is bad at. Bad propaganda coming from us will give the rest of the world, excluding the 'free world', pause regarding China. There is always the *. "Sure, we need their money, but..."

Yes, we don't represent the government. But who knows when China reaches the upper echelon? Will the hubris take root and lead to the Qing dynasty debacle again?


Registered Member
Think of the consequences of what we write. Already in this forum, we have a few Chinese who expressed their misconceptions of China that led to other members to engage in long debates that went on for pages.

Therefore, don't do the work of sullying China's reputation for the MSM. It's not about our chauvinism. It's about propaganda which China is bad at. Bad propaganda coming from us will give the rest of the world, excluding the 'free world', pause regarding China. There is always the *. "Sure, we need their money, but..."

Yes, we don't represent the government. But who knows when China reaches the upper echelon? Will the hubris take root and lead to the Qing dynasty debacle again?

Maybe. It's very Chinese to become complacent and distracted.

But China is far from reaching the upper echelon in every domain, particularly in social development and living standards. Younger generations are much better but the cost is greater levels of degeneracy that comes with having easy and comfortable lives where the work ethic decays unless a means of countering that is created. This of course doesn't apply to 9-9-6 engineers working at top firms but in my experience, the children of wealthy Chinese families often have poor habits re work.

The hubris always takes root! It will apply to China again and has made its rounds throughout human history... I'm sure even to the days of tribal conflicts. The thing is China is far from completing its industrialisation and development in every one of its corners and peoples like the West has. There is a lot more improvement to be had before that cycle begins taking hold. China's phase is the growth and development one and not nearing completion where the stagnating and then inevitable decline begin. At this point you might say well why does China have proud "internet warriors"... please remember that every nation has their own. Russia has even more if anything and the same with France or the US. Even those lower on the development ladder have theirs. India has more political and racial/ethnic extremists in a single state than China has in the entire country. This has little to do with where the country is and everything to do with national pride that some portion of every population simply has. Some use it and weaponise it better than others. Some nurture and exploit it - Modi's Hindutva India.

Your argument then really just amounts to nothing since half of it is simply untrue - China has haters NOT because of its internet warriors. After all India has literally a billion internet warriors probably quarter of which are present on English speaking internet and no one cares that much or hates them for it except of course the people who are already targeted and attacked by them.

China is hated by parts of the elites of the Western world because they represent a force and group they don't control or have overwhelming influence over either economically, militarily, or through soft power... in some cases a complete combination of all three forces. As China's influence and share of world resources increases with its development and progress, the Western world loses out of some share of it. This is the boiled down and simplified reason why it is hated. It is not a perfect nation or people. No one is. But its faults and all its erring is noticed, reported, exaggerated, amplified, and in many cases even downright made up. This ISN'T because there are pro China people on the internet lol.


Maybe. It's very Chinese to become complacent and distracted.

But China is far from reaching the upper echelon in every domain, particularly in social development and living standards. Younger generations are much better but the cost is greater levels of degeneracy that comes with having easy and comfortable lives where the work ethic decays unless a means of countering that is created. This of course doesn't apply to 9-9-6 engineers working at top firms but in my experience, the children of wealthy Chinese families often have poor habits re work.

The hubris always takes root! It will apply to China again and has made its rounds throughout human history... I'm sure even to the days of tribal conflicts. The thing is China is far from completing its industrialisation and development in every one of its corners and peoples like the West has. There is a lot more improvement to be had before that cycle begins taking hold. China's phase is the growth and development one and not nearing completion where the stagnating and then inevitable decline begin. At this point you might say well why does China have proud "internet warriors"... please remember that every nation has their own. Russia has even more if anything and the same with France or the US. Even those lower on the development ladder have theirs. India has more political and racial/ethnic extremists in a single state than China has in the entire country. This has little to do with where the country is and everything to do with national pride that some portion of every population simply has. Some use it and weaponise it better than others. Some nurture and exploit it - Modi's Hindutva India.

Your argument then really just amounts to nothing since half of it is simply untrue - China has haters NOT because of its internet warriors. After all India has literally a billion internet warriors probably quarter of which are present on English speaking internet and no one cares that much or hates them for it except of course the people who are already targeted and attacked by them.

China is hated by parts of the elites of the Western world because they represent a force and group they don't control or have overwhelming influence over either economically, militarily, or through soft power... in some cases a complete combination of all three forces. As China's influence and share of world resources increases with its development and progress, the Western world loses out of some share of it. This is the boiled down and simplified reason why it is hated. It is not a perfect nation or people. No one is. But its faults and all its erring is noticed, reported, exaggerated, amplified, and in many cases even downright made up. This ISN'T because there are pro China people on the internet lol.

Did I make it sound like that was the only reason? I was singling out a particular reason. So just because every other nation has internet warriors who make a fool of their countries does not mean China deserves a free pass. It also depends on the issue and how it is worded, etc. An Indian who makes a case for taking southern Tibet is different, more nutty, compared with a Chinese who makes a winning argument to take back Vladivostok, et al. I don't know if you agree or not.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Very poorly.

The disparity between a well-paid US scientist or engineer and a poorly-paid one is becoming more and more stark.

I know entry-level Lockheed Martin engineers who're only making $50k/yr. While it sounds high if you translate it to yuan, that's basically nothing - its not enough to rent a 1-room apartment these days. People like to pretend that you can make money by working in Alabama where the cost of living is cheap and the salary is high... but somehow literally none of the people I know make that work. Everyone single person who took a lower-paying job in a "low cost of living" has ended up needing to stay with roommates and living paycheck to paycheck. These are people with advanced engineering and science degrees.

Meanwhile, I know other engineers who have decided to take a job in a "high cost of living" zone... and for at least a couple of them they leave their first job months in for a 25%-50% salary increase.... only to do it again in a year or two again.

What I'm saying is... there's a lot of engineers and scientists in China who are making a hell of a lot more than American ones. The pay disparity in the US is just too big to make any sort of comparison in bulk.

As an aside, among the high-payed engineers here, there's been at least $2million USD earned here that's been sent to relatives in China over the last couple of years. For some reason all the white engineers chose to work in stable poverty in places like Tennessee and all the immigrant engineers decided to tough it out (for like, a year) in places like San Francisco.