I think a lot of users here are tired debating about whether soft power is important or not, which is why there are some heated response. Personally, I think its nice to have, but not equally important as manufacturing and R&D. The competition in the field of entertainment is also very fierce and saturated, and it doesn't help with China's image being demonized by propaganda and handicapped by regulations and censorship. So they should at least invest a bit into cultural products like South Korea did with their entertainment industry, but don't put too much significance on it.
It's not just cultural products. Soft power can be achieved in many ways. China having its own bank with large investment is soft power. China having its own Internet eco system is soft power. China using Yuan in trade is soft power. Having other countries using Valuepay/alipay instead of visa/mastercard is soft power. High end Chinese restaurants is soft power. As I mentioned in SCS thread, selling high end cars to other countries is soft power.
I'm in Singapore right now and you can feel Chinese soft power. It's good to have your industries, but let's not diminish the importance of a lot of other industries that gives you soft power around the world.
Personally, I don't see the point in being competitive in something so frivolous as pop music and television dramas and I don't lose a moment's sleep over it. Perhaps you can explain to us the use of China performing well in the entertainment industry - what does that buy China? Military advantage in WESTPAC? More widespread use of the RMB? Anything worthwhile?
In fact, I can see a lot of societal benefit to the CPC coming down on the entertainment industry (or the deviant elements of it) as it's currently doing.
I think that's a strawman. Nobody disputes the fact that China needs a strong services sector with world-leading companies in finance, software, etc. What we dispute is the utility of what gets called "soft power" and why it's worthwhile to have more globally popular video games or pop bands.
I'm zero kelvin chill. What I wrote is simply the truth - why do you think English is spoken by white Europeans in places like North America and Australia? Did that spread by "soft power"?
I need people to understand a very important point: China trying to win by competing in the present order is a mug's game. China wins by overthrowing the present order and establishing its own.
If you don't agree, then make your points. Don't use languages that you would not say in public.
Softpower is very important. The ability to dominate the narrative is sometimes more powerful than any industrial or military capability. I have posted here before that American/Western propaganda is wielded like a surgeons knife. While Chinese propaganda is wielded like a sledge hammer. Now even more so under Xi. The reason is freedom of speech. That allows people to express themselves freely that in turn creates rhetoric and artistic creativity. Freedom of speech is something that China sorely lacks at the moment.
Sure. My point is that while it's important to be strong in technology and military, let's not ignore the importance of other professions. It's important to be flexible and grow your influences in different ways. You can do the without having a full economy of lawyers and private equity guys.
I think we've all seen on these threads how much success China has had in growing in these major technology fields. It will have great success in the ones it focused on. I think there are a lot of people in America concerned about losing supply chain and de-industrializing. Some other western countries are also concerned. And their solution to losing their technology advantage is blocking access. As such, it's critical for China to hit accelerators in its development and be the leaders in many of these fields.However I also think the Americans have become a victim of their own success. They are so good at shaping the narative that they now begin to believe
their own good press. They are so good at downplaying their own faults that they are now underestimating their own problems. What is even worse is that today America/Democratic World is a place where everyone has a opinion but no one has a solution to their problems. Because there is no consensus. Everyone these days wants to have their say about everything but very few people are willing to admit that they are wrong about anything. There is endless bickering amongst each other while the problems around them are piling up. And that is also the downside of freedom of speech. If everyone is allowed to talk then no one is saying anything.
I was talking to a couple of friends recently and one of them is Korean. I mentioned to him that I think Japan peaked in 1989 and Korea has also peaked a few years ago and its industries are vulnerable to Chinese industrial growth. And he agrees with me. Our European friend doesn't know that Korea has already peaked. Give it until the end of this decade. I think China's increasing technology prowess would have significant impact on former industrial leaders. Can you imagine what will happen in Japan and Germany when their automakers are close to bankruptcy because Chinese EV makers take over large portion of their market share?