You give too much credit; ugliness and desperation are not art. No one is fooled into thinking that the US has any reason other than fear to ban any Chinese company. The result, regardless of the intent, is to spur Chinese self-sufficiency.The United States is artful at inventing an idiosyncratic version of why *this particular* company has been sanctioned and is able to give out export licenses ever so slightly to create doubt as to whether it is serious to ultimately, always be able to create an asymmetric dependence.
Huawei says it would use Qualcomm in the meantime while developing its own chips if licenses were given but actually, the US gave plenty of licenses that went unused as Huawei never made the order. Huawei knows good and well what this fight is about.Heck, even Huawei wants to go back to American suppliers even after all the US did to it.
Maybe in the west, but a China with necessity moves decades in years.The R&D cycles for avionics and engines are so long that ultimately, the "backup plan" even when realized would take decades.
You'd have to work there to know... unless you just filled in the blanks with what you hoped to be true.The CJ-1000A has been hypothesized for years now and still, no progress at all.
Puahaha you think the CCP won't bankroll China's domestic lithography needs?That would take money, labor and time SMIC doesn't have (SMIC runs tight margins anyway). And given that the existence of the SMEE ArF immersion is up in the air (even Global Times deleted their SMEE ArF immersion article), trying to spend inordinate amounts of time on retooling low-margin lines is something private corporate companies will not do since money triumphs in business, even if it is harmful for national interest outcomes.
No, you are confused. American corporate capture of its own government and agenda is deep. China's corporate structure bends around the CCP which guides it to serve the nation and the people. Even during a tech war that has America blowing its gaskets to keep up, China dresses down any of its tech giants that try to use the opportunity to gain unfair domestic advantage. Unlike America, China is not desperate; it knows that normal speed is enough even while America's overheating in turbo. This structure of top down control is how a country that couldn't make a truck a few decades ago now has America crying all around the world for help, hoping to slow down Chinese innovation.Looks like American capture of China's corporate elites is deep.
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