New Type98/99 MBT thread


New Member
The link points out that wheeled armor vehicles or Light Mechanized Brigades are used to expoit openings in the enemy lines, before heavier vehicles can move in and secure the area. That's a very interesting point. Before, I thought Light Mechanized Brigades are for testing enemy defenses, patrols and engage in hit and run tactics against armored vehicles, but it seems even tanks are not fast enough to take advantage of a breakthrough. It should work in theory, but I haven't heard of any real incidences.

It's hard to believe a 1500hp MBT is much slower than a "light" IFV.

Is it a fuel supply issue perhaps?


Well, this is very true that when a vehicle with more horsepower doesn't mean it would have more speed. In stead, it should have more power. For a giant weights at 50 ~ 60 tons, it's very hard for it to move. Anyway a tank is designed to have more power than speed.


Senior Member
It's hard to believe a 1500hp MBT is much slower than a "light" IFV.

Is it a fuel supply issue perhaps?

No, wear and tear. Travelling at high speed on a tracked platform causes a ton of wear and tear on the tracks themselves. There will be a need for frequent stops for maintenance checks. That's why tanks and other tracked vehicles are often loaded onto tank transporters or trains for transportation. Wheeled platforms are much faster over smooth terrain because they don't suffer from the same issues. They can instead self-deploy.


wasnt there many complaints during the test phase for Arjun that the tracks constantly snap? How can india even make a proper tank without the least tech knowhow for tank tracks.......

I'm afraid you'd get banned soon, because you've not changed your location yet, and the mods have warned you against that matter quite seriously. So change it now before it's too late! Further more, I think you shouldn't pull Arjun or India into this thread, 'coz it's off topic! :nono:


VIP Professional
Registered Member
I'm afraid you'd get banned soon, because you've not changed your location yet, and the mods have warned you against that matter quite seriously. So change it now before it's too late! Further more, I think you shouldn't pull Arjun or India into this thread, 'coz it's off topic!

Too late....;)


New Member
Maybe we're forgetting the amphibious capability of light units. They can move freely across rivers and soft ground, while heavy tanks need to stay along firm ground/reinforced roads and bridges. The light units might exploit a breakthrough on difficult terrain, establish itself in a town, and wait for tanks to come up the roads?


Senior Member
Maybe we're forgetting the amphibious capability of light units. They can move freely across rivers and soft ground, while heavy tanks need to stay along firm ground/reinforced roads and bridges. The light units might exploit a breakthrough on difficult terrain, establish itself in a town, and wait for tanks to come up the roads?

Nope, most light armour in the world are not fully amphibious. In order to sustain operations, you have to bring bridging equipment.


New Member
The most common Chinese type 92 and type 86 are both amphibious. They can cross rivers with no preparation.

You're probably right though. The main speed advantage is the wheeled stuff just don't break down or need any maintenance. They are also fuel efficient. They can keep pushing ahead in a constant reconnaissance-in-force mode.


Junior Member
Registered Member
You forgot to count the 6th Armored Division. That may raise the total to over 500. This is an elite showcase division.
sorry yeah forgot about the 6th division, but from what that has been gathered the 6th division only has 2 battlions so around 80 Type 99, so then that would mean its around 450-480 Type 99 in service.

Though we should also count in the Type 96, which could be tricky cause some Type 96 are designated from late Type 80's from modifications and upgrades, so its hard to give a number on the Type 96 my guess is that its +3000 units in service. This number is given from me interpreting an CCTV interview where the an official said that around 50% of China MBT are capable of defending intense battle against possible adversaries.