New J-10 thread II

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Junior Member
More Hysteria Over Chinese Exports

I don't know if anyone else has noticed it, but there seem to be a lot of Western media outlets quoting this Richard Fisher fella as an "expert" on China's military and Chinese weapons sales.

Attached is just the latest contribution to the "J-10 and FC-1 exports" hysteria:
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How did this guy get to be the media favorite as an "expert" on Chinese military affairs? Does anyone have anymore background on where this guy comes from (and why the news media keeps quoting him)?


Lieutenant General
Richard Fisher just tells what the alarmists want to hear so they can scare people into throwing money at the military and defense industries. I remember back in the early 90s a woman wrote a unflattering book about Japan and she was going on the book tour and being interviewed by the media since the fad was back then to bash Japan. How was she an "expert" on Japan? She was flight attendent on a major airline whose route took her to Japan. Really what you see in Fisher's articles is just a copy and paste job of what you see on forums like these. He just more diligent than some of the posters you see around any forum because he gets paid for it. I'm just wondering why he didn't do an article when all those pics of the 093 and 094 came out. He skipped or delayed it and went to the J-10s for Iran story instead. He must've seen some posters counting down his next article.
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Junior Member
Well IF J-10 is also put in export and IF it won't dumb down then yes, J-10and FC-1 would put pressure on sales for other type of aircraft. IMO J-10 and FC-1 are single engine planes, BVR capable plane it is a lightweight plane, and also cheaper.

Sure Russian and USA may produce a high quality and battle tested plane but the cost of it may deter them from buying them. Unless Russia is willing to do what it did in the Cold wars or USA giving out military aid.

Just wondering, what happen to single engine fighter in Russia. It is like after the famous MiG-21 there is no more modern single engine fighter.


Junior Member
The J-10 it's better in overrall performance than the Mig-29 or the SU-27... in fact The PLAAF already test the J-10s in mock aerial combat against the SU-27s and the J-10s beat them in every encounter, and if the J-10s are better than the SU-27s obviously are better than the Migh-29s too, besides I guess (not sure) than the J-10 should be cheaper cause is powered by only one engine... I guess thats enough reason for Iran to want them in the Iranian AF

If J-10 is superior than Su-27 and is cheaper, how come the PLAAF is resorting to upgrading its Su-27s and building J-11Bs in an extraordinary pace, while the deployment of J-10 remains slow and no significant upgrades of J-10 has been made?


VIP Professional
The PLAAF has not upgraded its J-11s other than having R-77 capabitliy, which is still important. J-11B production seems like a snails pace to me. J-10 production seems right about average, with one or two regiments being deployed for every year. Whipping up units into operational capability once they recieve the new equipment is not as easy you may think,whether its PLAAF or PLAN, and that's probably the biggest bottleneck of all.

Violet Oboe

Junior Member
Such a clever guy and you can't figure out why Richard Fisher is currently keeping a low profile about the ´subs and other chinese surprises´mini affair?

Fisher works for a rather small neocon pro Republican thinktank the IASC (International Assessment and Strategy Center) where Arthur Waldron runs the show. Probably Waldron (...indeed a smart guy!:D) told him not to make waves about this ´sub thing´since some people could begin to ask awkward questions like:

"Incredible how those ********* are actually building nuclear subs now! They can even blow our satellites out of orbit! What is doing our administration about this?":confused:

"Wait, that George W. Bush is president for seven years now and he did not tell us a single word about the gathering chinese danger. In fact China has a growing gigantic trade surplus, manipulates their and soon also our currency, now they are threatening our military dominance and our jobs are going down the river. May be the Republican's
aren't the best choice if it comes to national interest and security, ...well next november is election day!"

Of course all these questions from ´concerned citzens´would not enhance the election chances of any republican candidate so expect no ´crying wolf´ about ´big bad dangerous´China from guys like Fisher during the next 11 months...:D

Watch your mouth.
Sumdud, just wanted to illustrate how the average republican supporter would probably react on this story and those people are regularly using that kind of deplorable vocabulary. Of course thats not my personal opinion and language (you should know better...).
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Lieutenant General
Funny, but I don't think the election has anything to do with it. The Republicans blame Bill Clinton for supposedly allowing top secret technology in the hands of the Chinese. Hillary has a good chance to become President and this kind of stuff would not be passed up if and when Hillary gets the Democratic nomination.

Violet Oboe

Junior Member
Only very brief since we are ´slightly´off topic :eek:ff:

Bill's chinese dealings are water under the bridge not likely winning the Republican's any votes ten years after and of course the Democrat's (including Hillary) are currently only talking tough about China but will inevitably succumb after the election to simple economic and strategic facts.:D
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