New J-10 thread II

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Banned Idiot
Russian news isn't amateurish, it's government controlled. Russian government purposely prints carefully selected information and false information for political purposes. Of course, all governments are corrupt to various degrees, and the Russian government does make (big) mistakes.

I always thought the Russian government printed the Iranian Sukhoi deals to test America's response and to thumb its nose at America.

Yes, China displays of military products at various international air shows, but China does not intend to sell every product at every air show --- just like the United States and any other nation.

Only the future will tell if China sells J-10 to Iran. My bet is NO! China will only sell J-10 to Iran if a big change occurs in the Chinese-Iranian relationship. China mostly sells Iran military technology that is highly restricted to local use, and if the technology has range, then it is of outdated hardware. The J-10 surpasses both those standards.


Banned Idiot
I do recall after rumor of possible India purchasing F-16 and F-18,the russian quickly depatched there foreign minister to new delhi ,offering them better deal .


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not showing that much, but a cockpit of J-10 from behind


Banned Idiot
there's been rumor that Pakistan AF may be seeking AESA equip J-10. as to counter India AESA equip Mig-35 and future LCA.


Junior Member
That Persistent Rumor . . .

For everyone's entertainment, I am attaching a couple of links to another pair of mainstream publications that have latched onto the "Chinese J-10s destined for Iran" story:
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We'll probably be seeing more of this rumor for the next twelve months.

Interestingly, the following news article, however, claims that Iran's J-7 are actually flown by Iran's Revolutionary Guard, and NOT the Iranian Air Force:
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Let's see - the Iranian Air Force is interested in buying MiG's and Sukhoi fighters, and the Revolutionary Guard is buying from China . . . Sounds like a turf war in the making.


Banned Idiot
according to intelligent analysis by TW,the "rumor " J-10 sale to iran may have been ploy by the Chinese government to stop bush from further arm sale to Tw.
For year,China furious at US arm sale to TW,yet unable to stop the deal from going thru,(while China restrain itself from pushing arms to Iran and Syria) worse,China got nothing in return for helping the US in N.Korea nuclear .
the rumor made be a warning to the US,already China refuse to cooperate with west of economic sunction against iran.


New Member
why buy J-10,when Iran can get SU-27 or MIG-29.
Russia is offering used SU-27 and MIG-29 that are slight price below of brand new J-10.
The J-10 it's better in overrall performance than the Mig-29 or the SU-27... in fact The PLAAF already test the J-10s in mock aerial combat against the SU-27s and the J-10s beat them in every encounter, and if the J-10s are better than the SU-27s obviously are better than the Migh-29s too, besides I guess (not sure) than the J-10 should be cheaper cause is powered by only one engine... I guess thats enough reason for Iran to want them in the Iranian AF


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From PLA Daily, basically saying that J-10 is undergoing training in complex electronic environment. In this case, 4 J-10s are shown, 2 with 2 PL-12 and 2 with 2 PL-11 + 2 PL-8. Sometimes, even in long range strike missions, you don't see external fuel tank, showing J-10's range + fuel efficiency.


Banned Idiot
J-10 like SU-30mK are programmed by High C computer language, according to Chinese web site early 3 months ago, PLAAF plan to switch to ADA95 language.
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