In my opinion, this is how the false Iranian J-10 news got started:
1. Israel has been sending representatives to China to convince China to side against Iran. China clearly says "No." Read Chinese news for proof.
2. Israel visited Russia and had telephone talks with Russia to convince Russia to side against Iran. Russia said "Maybe." Read Russian news for dates of these meetings.
MY GUESS: Israel wants to change China from "No" to "Maybe," so Israel figures that if it spreads negative news about a military deal between China and Iran, Israel can put a spot light on the relationship between China and Iran, which will reveal that China and Iran are on friendly terms, so other nations (i.e., the US and EU) will pressure China to take a harder stance on Iran.
3. Israel visits Russia. Then Israeli tells Israeli news and Russian news that China is selling J-10 jets to Iran. See Russian news for these visits.
Now Israel is trying to spread the false news to the US and EU, hence Forbes.
4. As of late October to early November, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Livni met with China to support new sanctions against Iran. China has rejected the unwarranted punishment again.
Because of this recent rejection of Israel plans by China, there might be more Israeli false news or biased news about China arming Iran to get international nations (US and EU) to pressure China to side against Iran.
Anyhow, my point is that the J-10 news is most likely false and just a silly Israeli political tool. Israel can better work with China by not making false rumors about China, Iran, and the J-10 jet (or bad news).