New J-10 thread II

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Just Hatched
Registered Member
Ok, this is most likely a totally stupid question, but Im not really up on Chinese aircraft. Im trying to learn though. I think I already know the answer to my question, but I would like to hear from others that are a little more knowledgeable than myself on this.

I have read on more than a couple websites that, here, I'll c&p quote the one
" The new J-10 is a Joint Chinese-Israel operation"

Now this seems like it would be totally out of bounds for Israel to do, considering we trade information, technology and weapons with them. But, I do understand that Israel has in the past have bought and sold items to governments that were on our 'Do not patronize' list and possibly still do.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Not true.

Israel developted Lavi completely by themself using F-16 as somesort of starting point. Chinese were in otherhand comming to conclusion that their new fighter should be tailess-delta with canards back in the J-9 days. J-9 was more of concept like MiG-23 with Viggens wing arragment. It never materialized but the tailess-delta with canards remained as a concept for the follow-on project which was J-10. J-10 had similar ventral intake as in F-16 and Lavi but apart form that and the wing-arragment there isen't much similarities with J-10 and Lavi. Most striking difference is the size of the plane itself and the engine.
J-10 was AFAIK designed from the outset to much larger enginesize than Lavi. This naturally means that the actual plane is somewhat larger also. Altough the planes are aerodynamically similar concept there isen't any similarities which would mean that planes are derivation of each others, just two planes that adopted the same concept. The relation is like with MiG-29 and Su-27.

I'm not denying that Israelians wouldn't have been in any contacts with the Chinese and perhaps some tought-exchange is made between these two countries concerning J-10 but it isen't a joint-development. Nor is the Lavi design sold to China which they just simply made their own version. They may have studied the Lavi design and adopt some methods or solutions.


New Member
The F-16 and the Lavi uses a circular intake, resulting in a greater separation between the nose and the upper part of the intake and don't need these beams. These beams are also needed on planes with side mounted square intakes that are relatively close to the body. For example, both the J-8II and the JH-7 have them. I bet you the Phantom and the MiG-23 would have them too. The beams are there to counter the pressure that builds up between the intake and the fuselage, strengthening the intake against the pressure, while at the same time, diffusing the flow outward to relieve the pressure.

Thks for the info.


Lieutenant General
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More like Pakistan, and a typical example of very bad journalistic editorship.
yeah, reading the article, it was just full of errors. I'm not even sure which of the points is correct, probably none. But it does look like the Iranians are getting JF-17s.


VIP Professional
I don't see the Iranians getting JF-17s considering their own efforts to make a home build fighter, that twin tailed F-5E whose name I can't spell right.
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