New J-10 thread II

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Violet Oboe

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Sino-Iranian trade is currently booming with reaching 20 bn $ in 2007/08 and Iran has a surplus of ~4-5 bn $. Maybe Tehran just wanted to buy some favour in Beijing...?:D


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I don't see the Iranians getting JF-17s considering their own efforts to make a home build fighter, that twin tailed F-5E whose name I can't spell right.

well, that thing is just a improved F-5 with the help of SAC. JF-17 should be better.


Junior Member
The JF-17 should be much better than the Iranian F-5E. Not so much in the airframe, but in avionics and weaponry. The JF-17 is BVR (SD-10) capable, a huge advantage.
There might be a political storm brewing if China does decide to sell either the JF-17 or J-10 to Iran. Couple years ago, an Austrian arms manufacturer, Steyr-Mannlicher, sold 800 sniper rifles to Iran. The U.S. tried to block the sale, but it went through anyway. Then the U.S. punished Steyr by forbidding it to sell arms to the U.S. The U.S. would probably react to China in the same way, maybe even more so because of the strategic importance of fighter aircrafts.
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Junior Member
Re: J-10 exported to Iran

Russian News source is saying 24 J-10 will be exported Iran.

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J-10 deliveries to Iran? Sounds like someone in Iran is having a wet dream.

Unfortunately, this absurd Russian news article has already been picked up by some mainstream publications. Sound like the makings for another pointless storm in a teacup. Let's see how many more "experts" the media can drag into this one.


Banned Idiot
why buy J-10,when Iran can get SU-27 or MIG-29.
Russia is offering used SU-27 and MIG-29 that are slight price below of brand new J-10.


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Better in what way to the Iranians who's operating MiGs already? Please explain.
Hey, talk is gossip without proof.


Lieutenant General
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Better in what way to the Iranians who's operating MiGs already? Please explain.
Hey, talk is gossip without proof.

how can a used mig-29 or su-27 be better than a new J-10? The ones operating by Iranians are pretty much the oldest ones. J-10s routinely take down multiple su-30s in China's mock combats.


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Mockup battle held by sinlge airforce with own indegenios plane vs. exported one...not exactly the most realible test I would say. Actually its plain ridicilous for chinese side to say the Su-30MKK would have beaten their own brand new j-10, its bad for buisness.

I'm not denying that J-10 couldn't beat Su-30MKKs, only that the reports form chinese mockup battles doesen't withstand the daylight when you need to be 100% certain, completely objective and without any biases and doupts. I wouldn't bet my money on j-10 simply based on these "reports"

If you really wish to determine which one is better, you need inpartial situation where two independent institutions uses only one a war...


VIP Professional
Its not mock battles but full wargame exercises. As a note, although the J-10 is the indigenous plane, in these exercises, J-10 also plays Blue Force, or Blue Flag Aggressors, which are representing US/Taiwan forces, while the Sues are playing Red Force, which is representing the local boys. The reason why the J-10s are used because they are believed to represent closest the capabilities of modern Western fighters. So to have Red Forces seriously losing their encounters is not very encouraging to the PLAAF as an organization, which has seriously invested on these planes, training these pilots and setting up their organizations. This is a shock that chills the PLAAF as an organization to the bone. This is not a sales pitch, its a wake up call.
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