Hi everyone,
I've read the last message of this thread. My opinion on the J-10 is: We can't determinate for the moment if the jet fighter is from 4th or 4.5 Generation.
We are lacking of details the avionics, we don't know if there is a sort of Home-made Link 16, a sensors data fusion, any plan to integrate IRST on the plane and more detailled information on the Electronic War system.
A 4.5 Generation Jet are often fitted with those features:
- Advanced Radar with Mecanical Sweeping (or PESA/AESA), with Standard Pulse Doppler radar capabilities plus, NCTR, TWS, LPI, Terrain Following, "Fox-3" Capability with ability to guide several missiles on several Targets, High speed Microprocessor
- Full Digital FCS, with analogic backup.
- Digital Stores, Mission, engines and instruments control systems.
- Advanced Electronic War system, with chaff/flare programs, automated responses to threats, 360 ° Coverage, use of digital jamming techniques, algorithms used to treat electromagnetic waves.
- Ability to do both Air-to-Air & Air-to-Ground missions.
- Data Link system.
- Sensors data fusion
- Use of Smart Munitions (GPS or Laser bombs/missiles)
- Advanced Navigation system with GPS.
I think it's enough to explain what makes a Fighter Aircraft a 4.5 Gen, and it matches with those a/c:
F-16C/D Block 52+
F-16I Sufa
F-16E/F Block 60
Mirage 2000-5 Mk.II
Mirage 2000-9
So we can't say for the moment if the J-10 is matching with 4th or 4.5.
We are lacking of informations about EW system, about a possible Data link, What are the Radar Capabilities and some more.
But if there is something wrong lemme now...