New J-10 thread II

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Banned Idiot
i am wondering, are you guys all chinese as that it seems that you people can understand some of the Chinese websites. OR are you american who understands chinese. I am just curious.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
am wondering, are you guys all chinese as that it seems that you people can understand some of the Chinese websites. OR are you american who understands chinese. I am just curious.

Many of the members in our forum are Chinese that live in diffrent nations. Most do reside in the US or Canada.

We have members of many diffrent nations and races.:) We are very diverse.


Banned Idiot
I see, this is very interesting. How did you guys manage to get all this military infomation about the Chinese military or did China just throw all this infomation out to the public to study the PRC military capabilites. This is a very interesting site.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
I see, this is very interesting. How did you guys manage to get all this military infomation about the Chinese military or did China just throw all this infomation out to the public to study the PRC military capabilites. This is a very interesting site.

Humm.:confused: .some members such as tphuang & croboto seem to have some inside info from time to time. In tphuang's case he can read Chinese..That is a big plus for him.


Lieutenant General
Staff member
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VIP Professional
Registered Member
I see, this is very interesting. How did you guys manage to get all this military infomation about the Chinese military or did China just throw all this infomation out to the public to study the PRC military capabilites. This is a very interesting site.

Chinese military information is actually more open than a lot of people think. For example, you can see exactly how many military ships are built in which shipyard. I bet you get far more photos of 054A than say Formidable or type 45 or P-17.

And if you know Chinese and visit enough Chinese bbs often enough, you will know exactly which posters genuinely have some semi-confidential material that they are unveiling.

something like that !???!

CHeers, Deino
according to that guy, you might see a built in IRST in J-10 (right now, J-10 can carry IRST pod similar to JF-17), more composite material used, more powerful TVC engine, better situation awareness on the aircraft in general, more stealthy concept (possibly internal carriage) and improved aerodynamics. I normally don't report stuff like this, but this guy is apparently really close to the high ups at CAC. (we will see)
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Junior Member
Just wondering if the next iteration of J-10 will do something to the intake structurally? That has always looked like a not so graceful solution to whatver design issue they encountered. Fixed intake seems to be out of question since J-10s primary role as high speed fighter. perhaps a repositioning resizing of the intake would take care of this?


VIP Professional
Just wondering if the next iteration of J-10 will do something to the intake structurally? That has always looked like a not so graceful solution to whatver design issue they encountered. Fixed intake seems to be out of question since J-10s primary role as high speed fighter. perhaps a repositioning resizing of the intake would take care of this?

I don't believe they would. It seems they are satisfied with the intake for now. "Graceful" is not an important quality to be sought of. However, between the prototypes and the production planes, there have been visible changes to the rods so they are not just thicker but specially canted and angled in consideration of aerodynamics.


Junior Member
Tp mentioned RCS reduction measures including internal carriage. My post was more geared towards that. perhaps there is an opportunity to improve frontal RCS there?
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VIP Professional
If they go to a DSI, it may improve frontal RCS, although its likely that the current intake has already been subjected to RCS reduction measures similar to what is applied on the J-11B.

The DSI intake may require a new batch of flight tests and wind tunneling to see what it's effects on the canards and so on. This is the other way I can think of they can modify the intake.


New Member
I doubt that they will go DSI, unless they are changing the role of J-10 to something like F35. DSI does not perform well in supersonic flight.
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