D9 coming to Tokyo auto show. Should be launching in foreign markets next year
Demand for u8 so high that a second line is getting setup
Demand for u8 so high that a second line is getting setup
says that for in vehicle infotainment system (IVI), it has 10% market share for SoC in China. 70% are export按照四维图新的公开数据,2022年公司在车载信息娱乐系统处理器SoC赛道的前装国内市占率10%,为国内最高;后装全球市占率40%,70%出口海外。
MCU now has increased to 30+% of Autochips, it is the #1 domestic supplier此外,在32位车规级MCU赛道,四维图新自称是国内公司出货量第一名,MCU在杰发科技总收入中的占比已经提升到了30%以上。而在过去几年,国内MCU厂商布局车规级赛道的加速,玩家在不断增加。
It's new gen cockpit chip actually just uses 28nm process and expecting to do 60k+DMIPS & 1.2TOPS vs SiEngine's 7nm chip. So clearly, it is going for the low cost option. 60k+DMIPS is pretty good for 28nm目前,杰发科技在前装市场的主力出货仍是AC8015,主要满足轻座舱产品定位及中低阶座舱方案成本控制需求。数据显示,上半年四维图新的智舱业务收入更是同比下滑17.9%。
相比较而言,7nm工艺的芯擎科技龍鹰一号,则具备高达90K DMIPS的CPU算力,并具备8TOPS的AI算力。而作为杰发科技的前东家,联发科今年则是找来了英伟达,布局高端旗舰座舱SoC。
so Haomo is born out of GWM. Makes sense GWM use Haomo then. Since GWM is said to partner with Horizon Robotics, Haomo solution will also use Journey seriesIT之家简单介绍一下,毫末智行的前身是长城汽车智能驾驶前瞻部。在 2019 年,毫末智行由长城汽车孵化而出,成为了独立的自动驾驶人工智能技术公司。目前长城汽车既是毫末智行的大股东,也是毫末智行的大客户。
No, bZ3 is an absolute joke.Six months ago there was a run of articles about Toyota launching the bZ3 in China, built under the FAW-Toyota JV with BYD powertrain. How is this vehicle coming along? recent article says that more than 20,000 units have been sold to date, but this number is devoid of context. Is it a competitive vehicle within its segment? Has it been well-received by consumers?
The two large meta narratives are about Toyota's laggardly approach to EVs (with its unimpressive bZ4X offering as a recent key exhibit in that narrative), and also the increasing headwinds that Japanese and other foreign brands are facing inside China. Has bZ3 done anything to change or alternately reinforce these narratives over the past six months?
No, bZ3 is an absolute joke.