not only leopard 5, there is also 8 and 3. They also showed off 8. I guess they are really going after GWM Tank series, which has 300/500/700
more numbers from Leopard 5
more numbers from Leopard 5
not only leopard 5, there is also 8 and 3. They also showed off 8. I guess they are really going after GWM Tank series, which has 300/500/700
more numbers from Leopard 5
The previous record holder is under investigations by the SEC and is getting sued. It was a similar story, look up LIFW (Lifewallet). It was a company with a revenue of like $1 million that debuted with a valuation of $30+ billion. The share price has fallen from ~$10 to $0.13 thus far, with no end in sight. The owners held 92% of the shares, and even less was free float, so valuation really means nothing at this point. If the owners even try to sell 1% of their shares after the typical 6 month wait is over it'd crash to less than a penny.SPACs are just scams to avoid oversight. Vinfast probably would employ many trading accounts to drive stock price up or down at will.