sounds like a year round display of various BYD projects across different industries.在品牌展示区,用户可以了解比亚迪电子、汽车、新能源、轨道交通等四大产业,以及前瞻的“7+4”全市场电动化战略,更深层次地领会比亚迪“为地球降温 1℃”的品牌愿景。车型展示区则汇集了比亚迪护卫舰 07、海鸥、腾势 D9 和仰望 U8 等爆款新车,用户在这里可以尽情体验王朝、海洋、腾势品牌、仰望品牌及专业个性化品牌的全新车型。此外,比亚迪打造了一个兼具科技质感与匠心温度的技术展示区,巨大的“专利墙”充分展现了其领先的科技实力。
15m long, 2.9m wide, 1.5m off ground, 23t curb weight, 65t load and can sustain 35 km/hour该机器人长15米,宽度2.9米,载重平面距地面1.5米,整备质量23吨,最大载重65吨,最高时速35千米/小时;
I just hope the Chinese version of Toyota can emerge (like Changan absorbing all the other SOEs)In my lifetime, I'd never expect Chinese automobiles to eclipse Japan/Germany/US brands, but now with the EV revolution, the surge of CATL as the #1 battery manufacturer on bleeding edge of battery tech, surge of BYD as a mass-manufacturer of highly competitive, long-ranged, and advanced EV cars.... it's insane that we are witnessing the global order changing so rapid before our eyes. (e.g., Toyota falling behind in tech, could be left out as dinosaurs compared to Chinese EV car companies like BYD)