That was NOT my point. How about actually understanding what I wrote? I said, "Perhaps because the country's need for energy is urgent, and the dirty old coal plants can be resuscitated faster than solar farms can be built?" (emphasis added).
Germany probably doesn't have to build new coal burners; they probably have many old, retired coal-based power plants that they can quickly fire up, far more quickly than they can build new solar farms. This has nothing to do with the speed of building new coal plants versus building new solar farms.
Even if it did, why are you pushing dirty coal? Why are you so hostile to a clean and low-carbon energy source like solar? Because China can use solar to escape the fossil energy trap and rise to great wealth?
The other thing is that there isn't enough electricity supply even within China.
And all things being equal, Chinese solar companies can afford to pay more for panels than German companies because of sky-high shipping costs.
The estimate is that China will double solar polysilicon output in the next year.
Anyway, I think this discussion should be moved to the renewables thread.