In WNEVC2022 (World NEV Conference 2022) in Beijing, the standing vice president of the China Association for Science and Technology gave a speech about hydrogen energy in China.
According to speech, the size of hydrogen energy industry and market of China are "leading the world". The hydrogen energy supply chain in the country is about to expand from focusing on NEVs to applications in multiple domains.
China produced 34.66 million tonnes of hydrogen in 2021, the most in the world. China is the largest market for fuel cell powered vehicles. It also has more hydrogen refueling stations than any other countries.
By end of 2021, more than 2000+ Chinese companies have business in hydrogen energy. About 150 of them are public traded. More than 640 of these 2000+ companies are newly registered in 2021, a 5% percent increase YOY.
北京8月26日电 (记者 孙自法)中国科学技术协会(中国科协)党组书记、分管日常工作副主席、书记处第一书记张玉卓院士26日说,中国氢能产业发展已经具备良好的现实基础,氢能产业市场规模全球领先,产业链正由燃料电池汽车单点突破迈向多元应用场景的系统提升。