Lieutenant General
His maternal grandfather was a German sailor if I remember corretly. Do you have any clues that he felt much for his European ancestry connection. Whatever ancestry he had, he seems to have been Chinese by choice. That does include a strong sensitivity to perceived discrimination. I don't claim that it didn't exist, but the Chinese might be more touchy about it then others.
Btw. someone of some German and a lot of Chinese ancestry making a career in Hollywood so recent after WWII? Just imagine a Chinese character speaking with a strong rolling "R", what should the poor US audience make of that? On the other hand, he could have joined Star Trek.
It's interesting to see others' perspective. There are plenty of Asians that don't identify with being Asian even when they have no mixed heritage. I know from a Western perspective they see that as a choice of who's best. But can't it be the other way around of the pespective that you just gave? Do they desire to be "white" because of perceived prejudice and discrimination against Asians? I have a friend I've known since we were kids. He married a Filipina and has two children. They don't look white but they say they're white and nothing else. Now why do they think that? Because I know the mother. Her mother told her to marry only white because she'll have a better life. That's not because Westerners will treat her better. It's all about status. Just like her kids see only in the superficialities of a child's perspective, it's better being white than Filipino because white people get treated better. They don't understand all the nuances and history so they have just plain honest perspective. They see whites treated better because society deems it so. So naturally they're going to want to be identified as white.
Plenty of self-hating Asians that will choose the West over their own ethnic heritage. It doesn't means the West treats people better. I believe they call that Stockholm Syndrome. Asians do well in the West. Is it becuase the West gives certain privileges that make Asians do well? Westerners would love to take credit that because Asians do well it's because they don't discriminate. What about the other minorities that aren't doing as well? If Asians are given privileges that turn into success, then that must mean Western society denies those privileges to other minorities that are not doing as well. And why is that? There's discrimination by race.
You're German, right? I have never been to Germany but reading the BBC world opinion poll every year, the Germans out of all the Western countries have the worst opinion of Chinese. I don't ever want to go to Germany. My perceptiion of Germany maybe wrong but the same can be said to suggest Chinese treat mix-raced race people worse so to say Bruce Lee chose to be Chinese because that went with the flow. I can note plenty of cases to say the same for Western society and how they discriminate. In the US it use to be if a white looking person just had one drop of African blood, they were considered black. That legacy lives on to this day. If you look ethnic, you are treated differently.
People can be married to another race. It doesn't mean they can't be racist. In the West it's more acceptable for a white man to be married out of his race than a white woman. That's because that's equivalent to one race conquering another by taking the spoils of war. They don't want vice versa happening. I know people like that. There were Jews in the ranks of Hitler's elite Nazi SS and he knew it. Does that make Hitler not anti-Semitic? My friend, who's white, told me about his landlord when he was in college who was African-American married to a hot blonde white woman who hated Asians. Is she not a racist? I know plenty of Asians that would be like Jewish collaborators in the Nazi death camps if they thought it would get them accepted by Westerners. Does that make it all right because it's Asians hating on other Asians? And that's why Hitler accepted people who were Jewish in the ranks of the Nazi SS because he saw their self-hatred as legitimizing what he believed about the Jews. If Jews would do this to their own, what he believed about them must be correct and therefore his final solution wasn't criminal to him.
Bruce Lee's time wasn't recent. He lived during a time of great overt racial strife in the West. Let's just say your angle were the case. What makes it stand out to say Chinese prejudice was worse than the West at the time to bring it up today when Bruce Lee's success was born from Western prejudice? Nothing really because the fact was back then they could care less about how the Chinese treated Bruce Lee. It was a non-subject. So it's disingenuous for any Westerner to bring up how Bruce Lee was treated by Chinese people because all Westerners back then saw Bruce Lee as 100% Chinese.
I know some are going to bring up how this infomation comes from his own daughter. A daughter that was a baby when he died and never knew her father. What's said about how Bruce Lee was affected by Chinese prejudice can be said the other way behind the motivation of Bruce Lee's daughter saying it today. Linda Lee Cadwell, the mother who reared her is white and she's more influenced by Western culture. For someone who's US career is riding off her father's legacy, she probably knows she won't score points by reminding Americans about how her father's success was motivated by Western racism. Again like I mentioned earlier, back then not many people outside Bruce Lee's circle knew that his mother was half-white. That kind of information today is taken granted of because this is the information age... something the world didn't have back then. So it didn't play a role against Bruce Lee life like its made out to which his success in Asia attests to. Bruce's success in Asia was the complete opposite of his experience in Hollywood. So to say Chinese prejudice troubled Bruce Lee's life more than from the West is unrealistic.
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