Coming from the guy that made up something you said I said that I never did so you can call me a racist.
Where I did I say that again that I'm angry at anyone who doesn't admire the Chinese? I love it when people make up "facts" just so they can make their argument. It says something when one has to resort to fiction to make their conclusions. What? Can't find what you're looking for from the truth?
My little anecdote is like yours except mine has a point. Your little stories of the German sailor have nothing to do with anything.
My story is true. I know people who think that way not because they're actually rapists. This guy didn't have the foresight to see the huge error ahead because all he was doing was looking for anything to make himself a victim of racism but made himself look like a rapist instead. Just like how you're trying to spin that it was actually Chinese prejudice that motivated Bruce Lee. The Todd Akin scandal is proof there are people out there that will spin absurdity just to make an argument and look how it backfired on him. Again all the facts show that Bruce Lee was affected by Hollywood's discrimination or he wouldn't have left Hollywood.
You don't know how the Chinese think or what they were thinking yet you act as if you do thus you can spin your little story that Bruce Lee was more a victim of Chinese racism than from the West. Again it is absurd to think Westerners were more sympathetic to Bruce Lee over his mixed heritage while at the same time Western soldiers were throughout Southeast Asia fathering children and leaving them behind without a care for them. And while race riots and the KKK were lynching minorites in the US. And while the West supported white South African aparthied over Nelsen Mandela. What you're doing is trying to transfer today's values to an era for Bruce Lee where they didn't exist. Just look at Europe today. You don't see anyone who isn't white in a position of power in anything. And you're going to tell me back in the 1960's the Western mainsteam had sympathy for mixed race children and especially in this case where the father wasn't white? Actress Halle Berry talks about how her white mother would have to hide the fact she was her daughter when she was a child because that would've meant her father was African-American. Meaning guaranteed deadly violence if people where she was from found out. Let's see... Halle Berry is at least twenty-years younger than Bruce Lee and you're going to try to spin Chinese treated people worse?
What you don't get is everyone has been kind to you in here. While you've been mustering your interpretation of Chinese history to just say Chinese are racists, do you think we can't come up with anything better than what you've got especially with German history? Don't confuse our politeness as having nothing to use against you. I read in recent years of a soccer/football match in Germany with a German home team against one from Africa. The home crowd started throwing bananas onto the field. You want to compare attitudes? Here in the US, you see lots of gays and lesbians with adopted Chinese children from China. I've read in Germany gays and lesbians can only adopt handicapped children that get rejected from heterosexual couples. This is only the tip of the iceberg. You don't think we can deduce Western attitudes the way you have for the Chinese?
I'm not into a blame game. I don't want to evaluate any racism or other prejudices in comparison to other prejudices. They are part of our life and always will be and they do include positive and negative racism, but altogether they are prejudices for simplified categorization that often serve other purposes as well as part of the communication in a like minded environment.
I see an interrelation of such prejudices between securing advantages, like limiting jobs for Chinese or revenge racism. Revenge racism was justifying drug dealing and robbery via contempt of a nation that was claimed (with the help of scholar supported justifications the Manchu tried to stabilize themselves within a static society) to have looked with contempt upon the nations that proofed military more capable. What will the Chinese feel when they achieve a switch of wealth and power in comparison to the Western countries that serve as a role model on consumption?
From a Western perspective, we do have a perception problem with what Chinese made out of "our" Christmas, so please refrain from sending Christmas cards popular in China to outsiders, especially Christian ones. There are many alternatives available within a few clicks. And maybe you could congratulate the Muslims on Ramadan by giving food to the poor instead of buying consumer goods like on Christmas (yes, you can also give things to the poor on Christmas)?
Racism is usually part of a construct of prejudices that helps to stabilize a society against their own internal problems. WWI and WWII can be seen as direct results of that racism which made nations into races on questionable scientific arguments. I have no qualms to admit the destructive effects of racism in the Western World, but being at the receiving end of racism does never vindicate anyone of his own acts, including Chinese.
Bruce Lee had problems with some Chinese because of his German sailor grandfather (and there's no war or army that does not have a number of soldiers fathering children without caring for them, this even happens in peacetime and doesn't exclude any race or nation) and with Americans because of the remaining Chinese part of his family. The German grandfather would likely have helped little during that time and situation in Hollywood. The man Bruce Lee had oustanding achievements and I don't care whether Hollywood cared about him or not. The impact on martial arts choreography in Hollywood and elsewhere is massive and visible every day. Neither do I care what Hollywood's opinion on Fritz Lang or Sergei Eisenstein was or that the Vienna royal music association preferred Salieri over Mozart. I admire them because of what they did and if a company is so riddled with prejudices that they don't hire good personnel or even the best available, well, that's their own stupidity because Bruce Lee marketing and films still pay off in the USA and all over the world.
Of course, it's a problem for people who have less choices for a good job next door, but racism is just one out of many unfair influences not capability and performance related that will always be difficult to tackle.
It's as well racism that some Chinese companies hire show-piece Europeans to appear more connected and important. Racism is not just about unfair opportunities, but about a prejudiced categorization system that can be negative or positive and often swings quite rapidly between extremes because it's pseudo-evidence based.
As for Germany, you might do some serious research before you start a prejudiced blame game.
is the leader of the minor coalition party and thus the second most powerful politician in Germany. In this position he is as always the Vice Chancelor. Unlike the US-vice prsident if he says no the chancellor can not overrule him because without his support there are elections for a new gouvernment. Unlike previous Vice chancelors, he does not have the foreign affairs business, but is responsible for the German ministries of economy and technology. The economy is usually responsible for the chances of reelection of a gouvernment.
The Deutsche Bank, the most important private bank of Germany that has a very important role in representing banking interest to the leading politicians, is led by
, guess what background he has?
As for the bananas, that's a typical Eastern German habit. They are less then 10% of our total population and quite happy to have bananas since 1989. Because hardly anyone wants to live in that economically weak and thinly settled part of Germany our ultra-right wing has decided to move there in person on a large scale, buy cheap houses and win majorities in the settlements in order to excercise some political control somewhere in Germany. They collect all the money they can get to infiltrate youth clubs there, set up their own and shut down their enemy's clubs, aligned with the Antifa. It's our Wild East with much bloodshed over political control and correspondingly Antifa Kampfgruppen or Skinhead territory in the very remote rural or poor and unemployed places (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is the centerpiece of that battle). It's quite astonishing how such reports get to you because I have little clue of the soccer teams in Inner Mongolia. You might notice
in the German national team, despite that he is not as admired as Mesut Özil, Sami Khedira, Lukas Podolski or Sebastian Schweinsteiger and guess which one of them has no immigrant background?
To better understand Germany you should know the 4-3-2 society. A quarter of the population has immigrant background, most of them have German citizenship, a third of all marriages contain one partner with immigrant background and every second child is born to parents with at least one immigrant background. The professional soccer players are a tell-tale example of a widespread phenomena of mating choices of German women. A lot of them have a father without German ancestry, the marriage between their parents didn't last (seems like Germans are difficult to get along) and the sons show outstanding achievements. In the sports world they have sooner reached prominent positions, but they are also advancing in other fields. Yes, the material wealth and security, even of being a single mother, gives German women the option to make choices about the fathers of their children's transmitable capabilities without worrying about his economic contributions. Fräuleinwunder refers to the beautiful German women.
Not surprising as you are from the East. It is an expression from the Western occupation zones of post-WWII-Germany. German "Fräuleins"; were very popular with the American and British soldiers.
And don't worry, we have enough girls for the German men and we do have prejudices and racism, so feel free to impress people with something to change their minds and get a hot girl.