Movies in General


Lieutenant General
Well I just watched Force Awakens at noon...

JJ Abrams is a stereotype example of how he's where he's at because of nepotism. He comes from a family in the Hollywood industry. I understand that this is basically aimed at a new generation of movie goers hence why Force Awakens is just a reimagining of A New Hope but it was half-assed and things just came too easy. There was no journey but a ride instead. There were no real hurdles to overcome. Things just happened. JJ Abrams recently in an interview acknowledged the faults in Star Trek Into Darkness where he gave too many nods to Wrath of Khan. Well what's this but a bunch of nods to A New Hope. Is it originality when the only way to follow success is to make things bigger? Since more movies are assured they might answer questions they left hanging but then it's JJ Abrams...


Lieutenant General
Well I just watched Force Awakens at noon...

JJ Abrams is a stereotype example of how he's where he's at because of nepotism. He comes from a family in the Hollywood industry. I understand that this is basically aimed at a new generation of movie goers hence why Force Awakens is just a reimagining of A New Hope but it was half-assed and things just came too easy. There was no journey but a ride instead. There were no real hurdles to overcome. Things just happened. JJ Abrams recently in an interview acknowledged the faults in Star Trek Into Darkness where he gave too many nods to Wrath of Khan. Well what's this but a bunch of nods to A New Hope. Is it originality when the only way to follow success is to make things bigger? Since more movies are assured they might answer questions they left hanging but then it's JJ Abrams...

Like I said to my friends who hadn't seen it yet, it's a cut and paste from the previous Star Wars movies.


Lieutenant General
Like I said to my friends who hadn't seen it yet, it's a cut and paste from the previous Star Wars movies.

Yeah it's like they're afraid of doing something original. I liked the characters and the dialog was fun but it's a movie not porn where you're not in to it for the story.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
SW VII did $120.5 million for Friday in the US...smashing the old record for an opening day.

They are estimating it did $70 million Saturday

They are estimating $48 million for Sunday.

This will be a $238 million opening weekend, another all time record for the US market.

International sales are estimating $279 million. That is without China which comes in later.

Opening weekend will be something near $517 million based on estimates. we will know the exact numbers on Monday or Tuesday.


Junior Member
I agree. Also, the Force is all about believing in it. Luke was never exposed to it since his uncle intentionally wanted to keep him away from this kind of influence. And new character on the other hand had been exposed to all the rumors and legends of the Force. So it's easier to believe and accept.

Another thing is her past experience. She lived a hard life and had to deal with all kinds of danger on her own since little. Luke however was pretty spoiled and was only whining about joining the academy because all his buddies joined. He never had to deal with any danger in his own. So it makes sense to me that she was a lot quicker to adapt than he was.

I know many question Rey's rapid growth of her abilities I figure a person in desperate situations on a planet where life is day to day wishing praying and out rite willing things to happen to stay alive you might tap into the force but brush it aside as good fortune and luck. Only until she came into contact with Anikan/Luke's lightsaber and after Ren went deep into her mind and may have unlocked something within her. Because Ren said the longer it takes to finder her the more her powers would grow.


Junior Member
All good valid points however to me it's still inconsistent. It devalues the power of the dark side of the force if a tottaly untrained person can defeat a person who can frekin stop a blaster bolt in midair!
It like me beating up bruce lee and my nly experience is from fighting in middle school
I wouldn't say she defeated him I saw her holding her own just barely getting in a couple of good hits. But if you notice Ren was not made a Darth but that might not signify a rank of abilities. There's also the Sith issue about the rule of two a Master and an Apprentice perhaps the master felt training an apprentice with the skills to handle non-force users so that the apprentice could never challenge the master. Also force magic and swordsmanship i figure are two very different set of skills and requires a clear and focused mind to combined them.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Well, the numbers are in.

SW VII did 247.5 million domestically, shattering the old US opening weekend record.

SW VII did 281 million internationally, producing a new record for World-wide record opening weekend sales of 528 million.

I believe, ultimately, SW VII has a good chance of overtaking and beating Avatar as the largest grossing movie of all time.

Time will tell. The wife and I are going to see it Wednesday afternoon.


Lieutenant General
Don't read any further if you don't want to be spoiled by flawed plot points.

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Han Solo was luggage hence why they had to change the ending? This whole movie was luggage. If they saw Han as just luggage hence why they had to change the ending to make him not luggage then he didn't have any real importance to the story and was there just to appease fans. If you just want to go for a ride, that's what Force Awakens has accomplished. I just expect a little more from a Star Wars movie. Is every new trilogy going to start with a newer more powerful Death Star? If the goal of both sides was finding Luke Skywalker, why didn't they do that? Instead it's a half-hearted retelling of A New Hope and just about destroying a new and more powerful Death Star. Is the next one going to parallel Empire Strikes Back?

People just openly give up secret information to the enemy. Poe Dameron tells Finn, a Stormtrooper he just met, that he has the map to find Luke Skywalker to which is already a high priority to the First Order to hunt and kill him. Kylo Ren tells Rey the First Order has the other piece of the map. Captain Phasma so easily gives up turning off the shields to Starkiller base.

You can travel a spaceship going at light speed through planetary shields which are made to stop laser bombardments that travel at light speed.

The location of Luke Skywalker was on a map that was supposed to be uncharted. The First Order had charted all the other surrounding parts of the area yet they couldn't use Starkiller base to blow away all those systems within? R2 had the other part of the map all along. If finding Luke was so important, wouldn't someone had thought of checking regardless if R2 was in a robotic depressed state of shut down? And what's with a star map with a zigzagging trail leading to Luke Skywalker? Was that the only passage through hence why they just didn't have coordinates? It was just one five second hyperspace jump away. Tatooine to Alderaan was a longer journey through hyperspace. How uncharted could it be? Send in the probe droids.

Han had to tell Finn, a former trash compactor operator/former Stormtrooper of the First Order, not to bang the thermal detonators? What was again that scary description Finn told of the omnipotent First Order as if they were the most unstoppable evil incarnate in the history of the galaxy?
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I think it's kinda disingenuous that in our very PC world they put a black guy in there as one of the main character which is totally cool but what did they do? They made him a frekin janitor!
.. And as usual the Asians in the movie played the role of bumbling gangsters.
Stereotype is certainly alive and well in Hollywood.