Movies in General


Fury with Brad Pitt looks good its gotta decades since the last WW2 tank warfare movie.


Looks good and I'll be looking forward to it. There's been war movies portraying infantry and their specialised offshoots, seals commandos, parachute regs, airforce, navy etc . However I can't think of one that is centred on a tank crew/crews. or great tank battles. "The Battle of the Bulge" with Robert Shaw doesn't count in my book.


Staff member
Super Moderator
On the side note, apparently Kim and friends are denouncing the movie "The Interview" as an act of war. I won't be surprised that if the movie doesn't get pulled down, he'll launch a missile or 2, or detonate another nuke just to make a point. These days I feel he's doing all of this to make himself look tough and scary in front of his panels of senior old men in his committees just so they won't think of plotting against him again. He's doing all this to keep his PR image for domestic politic purposes rather than the international(he should know by now the world don't give 2 cents about him and his fantasy land), because this movie is a very sensitive political tool that really hurt his legitimacy and attack what he's trying to build(the stature of his personality and regime. On a flip note, this also shows how unstable NK is; reliance on personality cult and fist of terror to maintain stability and control)

It will be interesting if he actually send assassins to go after Seth and partner.

That actually makes me want to see it more!


Lieutenant General
I'm watching Earthquake from 1974 on premium cable meaning no commercial-editing. 70s disaster movies are so funny. I'm not sure when they filmed them was it intended to be tongue and cheek or were they meant to be serious? During the earthquake people in high-rises went to the windows to bother to look while the building was shaking and they fell out the windows. Then the original Commander Adama, Lorne Greene, was yelling at people to hurry down the stairs. So people were rushing down the stairs until there were no more stairs because the flights below had collapsed and people were pushed to their deaths. I also like how a shelter was setup in the underground parking garage of a badly damaged high-rise. Then one person in a neighborhood was yelling at people to turn off the gas in their houses. So one person ran into a house with a cigarette in his mouth and the house blew up. Then there was a moment when Charlton Heston had stop to think to save his wife who was swept away by water or be with the women he was having an affair with who was already safe from the flood of water. I remember watching Towering Inferno and a helicopter was coming in for a landing on the roof of the skyscraper where people were waiting to be rescued and suddenly for no reason women ran onto the pad because they just couldn't wait causing the helicopter to crash. These movies don't need to be lampooned like when they make those parodies.
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I can't say for your last example, the helicopter thing, but the other examples do happen in life in general. There are thousands of cases of accidents, some of which can be horrific to see, that happen every year as recorded by the health department but are not reported in the media. And accidents do happen out of sheer stupidity. Some gases do not reek of smell before you know they become dangerous. The recent food truck explosion in Philadelphia is a good example.

Some peoples' lives are not so mundane as the people around you, but going through various sorts of emotional relationship issues. In the US, there are more than 6,000 divorces each day. A co-worker in your organization might have lost a few hundred grand in property without you getting a hint or someone could be laundering drug money.

Well, being movies, they tend to show the hidden drama of human lives.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
"Fury," looks like it may be good.

We went and saw the new Transfomers movie today. I enjoyed a lot of it and felt it as entertaining. But I had a couple of issues with it.

1st, it through in some foul language which was not needed and will keep me from taking my grandsons to it. Too bad for the developers and movie company because they will miss out on those six tickets.

2nd, there was just a little too much over-the-top corny scripting in it for me. I can understand some, and am okay with it, particularly from a Hasbro movie...but this one was over done.

I still enjoyed the movie overall, and particularly the CGI, etc and actions scenes...but the scripting could have been improved.


Tyrant King
"Fury," looks like it may be good.

We went and saw the new Transfomers movie today. I enjoyed a lot of it and felt it as entertaining. But I had a couple of issues with it.

1st, it through in some foul language which was not needed and will keep me from taking my grandsons to it. Too bad for the developers and movie company because they will miss out on those six tickets.

2nd, there was just a little too much over-the-top corny scripting in it for me. I can understand some, and am okay with it, particularly from a Hasbro movie...but this one was over done.

I still enjoyed the movie overall, and particularly the CGI, etc and actions scenes...but the scripting could have been improved.

Better save up some $$$ Jeff. The way that one ended can only mean one thing Transformers 5. Prime is out hunting the Creators of the Primes, Galvatron is going to rebuild the Decepticons. That means if I remember the continuity the biggest of the Big bots Unicron and Primus robots so big they could eat the Death star.


Lieutenant General
Anybody watching The Leftovers on HBO? Guess what? It's by Damon Lindelof of Lost fame. It's based on a fictional book where a percentage of human beings have simply disappeared off the face of the Earth. Not sure if the book explains what's behind it but Damon Lindelof seems not to have learned any lessons. He was quoted as to saying he thinks people don't want anything explained and are just interested in the lives of the people who are affected by the disappearance of their loved ones. It's only the second episode but so far... sort of boring.

Player 0

Junior Member
In all fairness this works in some stories like zombie stories. As this forum has painstakingly dissected there's no way a zombie apocalypse could happen against a military organization of any type. If Lindelof doesn't want to reveal anything then don't even bring it up beyond speculation to add to drama. What pissed people off about LOST was that he set it up but no intention on following through. If you want to explain anything don't set yourself up so that your story needs to explain things as a crucial part.


In all fairness this works in some stories like zombie stories. As this forum has painstakingly dissected there's no way a zombie apocalypse could happen against a military organization of any type. If Lindelof doesn't want to reveal anything then don't even bring it up beyond speculation to add to drama. What pissed people off about LOST was that he set it up but no intention on following through. If you want to explain anything don't set yourself up so that your story needs to explain things as a crucial part.

Still, the reason it works for zombies is because the walking dead are a different kind of apocalypse. It the story was just about a handful of people surviving in a almost completely depopulated world, any one-line explanation can do: disease, climate change, meteor impact, etc. It would be easy and far better to include that one-line explanation than to omit it.


Lieutenant General
In all fairness this works in some stories like zombie stories. As this forum has painstakingly dissected there's no way a zombie apocalypse could happen against a military organization of any type. If Lindelof doesn't want to reveal anything then don't even bring it up beyond speculation to add to drama. What pissed people off about LOST was that he set it up but no intention on following through. If you want to explain anything don't set yourself up so that your story needs to explain things as a crucial part.

Yes true. The difference with zombies though is you get action. Literally and figuratively. Zombie movies are generally about getting out of immediate danger. It's a thrill ride. A TV show like the Walking Dead adds to that where the undead walking the Earth are actually just a setting and they can have stories within that world and not just about zombies. I don't know if you've seen The Leftovers but it's a lot of people in "mourning" over "why?" three years after the fact. Anyone know any actors knows this is their idea of a story. This is their way of jumping onto the zombie bandwagon but for actors. They don't like zombies, they don't like action, they don't like anything that takes away from them acting. Which is why you don't see popular shows like The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones get big awards. Maybe it'll get better but what Damon Lindelof said it sounds like this is just actors acting. In acting school they do exercises where they'll do a scene from a movie but instead they'll change the character as having something like a heart condition. So the actors will act out the scene but wincing with chest pains. It's a great acting exercise but people don't watch movies just for that. Actor Ethan Hawke directed a movie he co-wrote with another actor. It was said to be one of the worst movies ever directed by an actor. I haven't seen it but it was said to have no story... literally. It was just actors acting. The only thing that had some interest so far about The Leftovers is apparently dogs are running wild in packs for some reason. They're probably going to end up being this show's polar bear on a tropical island mystery.
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