Speaking of which I just got out of that movie. Edge of extinction follows the same formula as the others, with the same gags.
Autobots hiding on earth. This time though they are being hunted by the humans as rouge CIA and tech companies want to harvest them to build new transformers. To do that they need the metal the autobots and decepticons are made from. Cue super secret evil dealings and the boutyhunter Lockdown he is not a decepticon he works for "the creators" who made the primes and the super material. Intact... 65 million years ago they came to our little planet and bombed the place with "The Seed" some kind of nanotechnology that converts all matter in its blast radius into Transformer metal. Of course the rouge humans want the seed and cut a.deal for it. And there is another player who wants it to. Galvitron. See the contractors working with the rouge agents they went and started building there own transformers using knowledge from ol' Megatron's noodle. Course ol' Meg ain't so stupid or dead. He uses them to make him a new body. And he wants the seed to use on earth's largest city so he can build a army.
normally Transformers movies are aimed to Sell GM, 90% of the Transformers in this one Were super cars, Bugatti' Ferrari, Lambo. Another new Seller in this one Is Salient Arms International. they make very uniquely custom M1911's Glocks and Ar's These are the Bagatti Verron of AR's