Dusky, the Italians have two carriers, and they have operated Harriers since the late 1980s. They currently have 15 Harriers.
Their intent is to go to the F-35B on the carriers, and they will do so. They confirmed orders in 2013 for 60 F-35A and 30 F-35B (see
). The F-35Bs will be for the carriers.
Now, there were
that the Italians may reduce this number...but most view those as threats to get better concessions out of Lockheed Martin and we will have to just wait and see what happens.
As it is, the Italians are a strong member country in the JSF partnership and will actually have a manufacturing and maintenance plant in Italy to service other European countries, which will bring in money to Italy. If they drop their orders too low, they will lose that opportunity.
Here are their carriers showing the aircraft:
First, the Cavour, 550, with nine Harriers aboard:
Then the Garibaldi, 551, with seven Harriers aboard:
They also operate AW-101 helos for AEW, Specifically the 112-AEW model, of which they have four.
With their Horizon class escorts and the FREMM class FFGs, they also have a very credible escort force for these carriers.
BTW, if you ever have any questions about modern aircraft carriers or large Amphibious Assault Ships, just check my World-wide Aircraft Carriers page:
...or for the principle escorts of these carriers, my AEGIS and AEGIS-like Vessels of the World page: