Miscellaneous News


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Oh look, Norfolk Southern is being cancer again.

Many people would claim that United States have the best freight rail system in the world. In reality, it's all inherited from the works of past generation that is falling apart either due to neglect, or in some cases, actively being dismantled. After all, everything is privatized and the class Is have a effective regional monopoly, infrastrectures cost money to maintain, and the profit number must go up. This has also resulted in the companies trying to cram more carts onto a single "train" while cutting down crew numbers at the same time.

Incidentally, this is also why passenger rail in North America is such a sh*tshow. Can't run a passenger train in the town if the railway company dismantled the only rail spur into the town. Also can't pass a freight train if the freight train is longer than the damn passing siding.
Wasn't there news that a private equity firm is going to be responsible for staffing ERs in hospitals to cut down costs?
Such ridiculous schemes to cut costs is only going to end poorly.


Registered Member
This whole episode reminds me of this:
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A weather balloon gets spotted over and misattributed to being a Japanese plane. It captured the publics imagination and soon after there were multiple objects in the sky, all pointing to an imminent invasion.

While technology like radar has improved, common sense and intelligence has decreased and add to that the provocative and ambiguous Pentagon statements we're seeing you've got all the ingredients for mass panic.



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‘Unspeakable botch’: Spain spends €258 million on trains that are too big for its tunnels​

Two senior officials from Renfe and Adif have been dismissed over the error.

Two senior officials from Renfe and Adif have been dismissed over the error.

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• Updated: 10/02/2023

Spain has spent €258 million on
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that are too big to pass through its rail network’s tunnels.

Since the blunder was exposed by local newspaper El Comercio late last month, two
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bosses have been fired.

The 31 commuter trains were ordered by
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in 2020. They are set to replace an ageing fleet in the poorly connected northern autonomous regions of Asturias and Cantabria.

Originally slated for completion in 2024, the much-needed update is now likely to be delayed until at least 2026.
It has also emerged that the manufacturer, Basque-based CAF, flagged the error back in March 2021.

President Miguel Ángel Revilla has called it “an unspeakable botch” adding that “heads must roll", according to Spanish regional newspaper El Diario Montañés.

Who is to blame for ordering the wrong size trains?​

Various parties played a part in the debacle, including
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’s national rail operator Renfe, rail infrastructure manager Adif, transport manufacturer CAF and the State Agency for Railway Safety (AESF).

After granting the manufacturing contract to CAF, Renfe says it provided measurements based on infrastructure specifications provided by Adif. CAF later warned that the specifications may not be correct.
Built in the 19th century, the region’s rail network crosses a mountainous landscape. It has varying tunnel sizes that do not adhere to standardised modern dimensions.

So far, two senior officials have been dismissed - a Renfe rolling stock manager and Adif’s head of inspection and track technology.
Spain’s transport minister Raquel Sanchez says she was only recently made aware of the problem. She has launched an internal audit into who knew about the issue and why it wasn’t raised earlier.
Spain’s Secretary General for Infrastructure, Xavier Flores, has admitted that he was made aware of the issue months ago.

What will happen to the oversized trains?​

As the trains were still in the design phase, they have not been manufactured yet.
While this minimises the cost of the error, the time-consuming process will need to be repeated, delaying the trains’ construction.
They will now be manufactured using the dimensions of a
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that already runs on the network for comparison to ensure they fit through the various tunnels. Adif will also update its infrastructure data accordingly to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

France made a similar error in 2014​

This is not the first time such a fiasco has taken place. In 2014, French train operator
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ordered 2,000 regional trains that were too wide for the network’s platforms.

Again, the error was caused by data from the infrastructure manager that did not account for older structures.
In this case, the trains were already made and the platforms had to be rebuilt at great cost.
Maybe they should just buy those from China like Portugal did.

It's always Xinjiang this Tibet that. But when human rights violations really occurred, most of the Western MSM pretends nothing happened.


Registered Member

Reminder that dioxins were the toxins in Agent Orange that led to so many birth defects in south east Asia in the aftermath of the Vietnam war. This Ohio event is the Chernobyl of our era and the Anglo mass media is trying to kill the story, the only meaningful coverage we’re getting is from TikTok and twitter citizen journalists.

There are now reports also of hydrochloride acid rain melting people’s cars, if it can do that to metal, what can it do to flesh?


Junior Member
Registered Member
Many people would claim that United States have the best freight rail system in the world. In reality, it's all inherited from the works of past generation that is falling apart either due to neglect, or in some cases, actively being dismantled. After all, everything is privatized and the class Is have a effective regional monopoly, infrastrectures cost money to maintain, and the profit number must go up. This has also resulted in the companies trying to cram more carts onto a single "train" while cutting down crew numbers at the same time.

Incidentally, this is also why passenger rail in North America is such a sh*tshow. Can't run a passenger train in the town if the railway company dismantled the only rail spur into the town. Also can't pass a freight train if the freight train is longer than the damn passing siding.

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Registered Member
Is there something going on at the Bohai Sea? Heard rumors that an American UUV has been "bottled up" by the PLAN, Maritime Militia and the Chinese fishermen in Bohai. Can anyone verify the information about this?
There's lots of rumors, the one I heard is a Seawolf-class has been bottled up in Bohai.

Given the size of Seawolf and depth of Bohai I think we can dismiss that out of hand to be on the same level as Ghost of Kiev or 052D lurking off the coast of California.

In before all the jokes about "Blue October" and how the Seawolf XO would like to have two Chinese wives cooking rabbits for him.