I don't think this comes from America. Cooperation with China is now seen as a mark of pride. I don't think anyone in the Pentagon seriously believes China needs assistance in developing drones from either Turkey or Iran.What do Iran and Turkey have in common? They've both had drones deployed in war. First they said Turkey wanted to trade with China drone tech in exchange for stealth tech. Now Iran is selling 15000 drones to China? Just like with the balloon fiasco with the US, they have to somehow make it out China is inferior to counter all the Chinese advancements its made. They're perpetuating their propaganda that China needs "them" more than the world needs China. Please, US, slap sanctions on China for helping Russia in their war in Ukraine as they lie and charge. Then China can test all its weapons on the battlefield like the West does it.
How do Westerners think twice? They have feel the sting of their actions. When the West charges China is funding Russia's war in Ukraine, China should've went to the UN and made a big stink that the West, still buying Russian energy more and at higher prices, were helping Russia's War and they should be sanctioned. 85% of the world is not following Western sanctions. And it's that 85% that would love to turn the tables on the West.
If anything, America has said very little publically about Chinese involvement with Russia. Look how much Russian drone technology has improved in less than a year. Videos and thermal imaging footage looked like it came from the 80s. Now it's modern.
Maybe they feel it's a can of worms best left unopened.