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Old enough? Christopher Beckwith just claimed it again in his 2022 book The Scythian Empires. He even threw in Zhao this time along with Qin. Pretty soon all ancient Chinese states will have been founded by Indo-Europeans according to Western propaganda. Poor Koreans and Indians, out done by their Western masters once again.
It’s pathetic, and very Indian of them. Mind you, I can’t even call it an Indo-European thing since Koreans were also claiming things like how they invented everything and Jesus was supposedly Korean. If these Koreans, Vietnamese, Japanese want to be China so much, why not just join the PRC as an autonomous region?
Paying ridiculous above market salaries started off as a tax evasion/nepotism advancement mechanism for the ultra wealthy, but had actually evolved to also become a selection and grooming technique used by the ultra wealthy to achieve state capture in the west.

The practice goes something along the lines of creating some extremely high paying posts that have a vast number of suitable candidates. This is the above market aspect where the individuals earning these megabucks salaries could not possibly get anywhere close to the same compensation anywhere else. This is fundamentally different from people getting paid megabucks because of their own skills/capabilities, for example like world class professional athletes or award winning scientists/inventors etc.

The very act of paying so vastly above market rates creates an equally vast power imbalance where the boss can ask the employee to do basically anything. If the employee doesn’t like that then they can leave and there are literally a million other candidates ready and able to step in to take their place.

The true value of this power dynamic isn’t that a boss can lord it over his underlyings, but that it can be used to influence people in highly powerful and influential positions of power.

This is how legalised corruption and state capture works in the west. Government officials make decisions to benefit the ultra wealthy, and what do you know, those officials’ offspring gets selected to go into some of these megabucks paying positions in the companies of the ultra wealth individuals who just make ludicrous amounts of money from those government decisions.

Once so employed, the offspring of the government officials will then get assigned to work on lucrative government contracts, and basically becomes hostages for the company, which can now go over budget and not deliver on time to milk the taxpayer for many times the value of the original contract. If the government were to find the company at fault, then the offspring of the government officials will also be found at fault and fired from their once-in-a-lifetime dream job, so is it any wonder the government always gets taken for a ride by these companies and never imposes any consequences on them?

Beijing saw how these Trojan horse jobs were used to thoroughly comprise the west, which was is why it is nipping this poisonous weed in the bud before it can take root too deeply.
Indeed; anyone who's ever applied to any financial services firm/bank will notice a question asking if you, the applicant, have any family members in government. This isn't just a 'get out of free jail card' for the firm when they induce you to use your political connections for the firm's gain, it's also to see if they can cultivate you. It's the reason certain (usualy white, jewish, anglo male or female) demographics seem to get to board positions over other ethnicities.


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Then the Chinese companies can also go around it by forming shell companies and JVs. The brand and flag of the product can always be changed to suit the market. If America wants to tariff that too, it'll become a bureaucratic nightmare. All this while America's own industries continues to grow weaker from all that protectionism. So keeping Chinese goods out of America way easier said than done.

The yankees should be deprived of these high quality affordable Chinese products. China should impose export restrictions of such products to the US.


Registered Member

One comment.

I agree with everything he said in this video, except the very last part.

Mahbubani is concerned that the most dangerous times in the China-US relationship is coming, and these next 10 years will be particularly dangerous.

That I believe is totally ass backwards.

Two reasons.

China views the Americans in decline, in others words, we can say they look like fucking losers. We know who is winning the most important war in the world today. China and the US are on the opposite sides of that conflict. In general, fucking losers are not that particularly dangerous.

The other reason, is the peace through strength idea. How strong is China really?

To illustrate, let's say China starts the custom blockade of Taiwan. There is no way this can be broken.

Taiwan important ports, all of them, are on the west side of the island. The US Navy will not sail their ships into a kill zone and certain death if things get hot.

Suppose the US Navy tries to break the Chinese blockade of Taiwan by sinking PLAN ships. (US Navy tries to sink PLAN without venturing into the straits). How many are the Americans willing to lose? They will lose a lot. And not sure if they can even do that if the Chinese start firing those carrier killers missiles, and wipe out Japanese bases if they get any ideas. Then the mainland will ramp up production of war materials like missile and keep firing.

You want some? You will damn get it.

Explain that to the average American why they dying in a conflict they do not understand. They would rather be watching football. Kind of like Kansas City -3 on the road in Sunday Night Football tomorrow.

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Indian scammer IRL.

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Russia would support Pakistan's inclusion in BRICS, says Russian deputy PM​

ISLAMABAD, Sept 18 (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Overchuk said on Thursday that Moscow would support Pakistan's inclusion in BRICS.
"We would be supportive of it," Overchuk, who is on a two-day visit to Islamabad told a joint press conference with Pakistan's Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar in Islamabad, in response to a question about Pakistan's request to become part of the grouping of the world's leading emerging market economies.

Everyone knows how the scam works. Why did you redeem?

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Registered Member
Indian diplomacy is hopeless.

No one can do anything to counter it, because Indian diplomacy is dumbest thing around, sure to gain irrelevance as the unintended goal.

The problem is very simple.

Ever see that show Friends or some show like that the young people like? (I don't like that show, but anyways, a simple point.)

Some people want a commitment. And here is India, never willing to make a commitment.

Sooner or later, everyone gets tired of this act, and move on without Modi.

That is India being India. Cannot do anything about it.
