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Biden is seriously deluded. How exactly does he plan to "prevent" China from getting stronger?

Biden better go back and retire and live the rest of his life peacefully without imposing his delusions to the rest of the world..

Edit: I give him credit though that he can at least see this from China's perspective

LOL the conservatives are going to eviscerate him for sucking up to China.

China has an overall goal, and I don’t criticise them for the goal,

Biden refuses to criticize China! HOW many Xi bucks did he get for saying that? BEIJING Biden confirmed!


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Biden is seriously deluded. How exactly does he plan to "prevent" China from getting stronger?

Biden better go back and retire and live the rest of his life peacefully without imposing his delusions to the rest of the world..

Edit: I give him credit though that he can at least see this from China's perspective
Well, he just said that China won't become the world's most powerful nation on "his watch," which is not a big claim. No one expects China to overtake the US in comprehensive power in just 4-8 years. It has nothing to do with his stewardship and everything to do with the massive lead that the US had accumulated over the decades. Trump made the same claim and even with his disastrous handling of COVID causing the US to enter recession while China largely evaded the ill effects on its economy, his oath that the US would not falter to number 2 in just 4 years still came true. They could basically have said that one day, the sun will burn out but they won't let that happen on their watch.


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A series of articles from GT on the hot topic of Xinjiang cotton.

The ideological battle is happening right now, with Western companies being mauled in China.
Shares prices of these Western companies are taking a dive, while prices of Anta, Lining are going up.
These Western companies have mixed feelings now given that their desire to be political correct is biting their asses in China right now.

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Registered Member
LOL the conservatives are going to eviscerate him for sucking up to China.

Biden refuses to criticize China! HOW many Xi bucks did he get for saying that? BEIJING Biden confirmed!
I like him. I find him so far, the most honest of the past US presidents (very low bar..).

I mean look at this quote from the article, he recognises the problem.
Biden spoke sentimentally about his previous interactions with Chinese President Xi Jinping, calling him a “smart guy”, but reiterating that Xi “doesn’t have a democracy-with-a-small-d bone in his body.
“He’s one of the guys like [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, who thinks that autocracy is the wave of the future [and that] democracy can’t function in an ever complex world,” he said.

“We’re not looking for confrontation, although we know there will be steep, steep competition,” he added. “This is a battle between the utility of democracies in the 21st century, and autocracies.”

However he misses in the end. This is not a fundamentally democracy vs autocracies. IMO the problem is that the current most powerful Democratic countries are not governed and administrated correctly for the benefit of the people.

Democracy is not dead and in small countries, it works, however Biden needs to reform the current Democratic system because now it doesn't work.

So the question is, can Biden perform a surgery to democracy, cure it, and then can it stand up again healthy?

Thats the question and thats why, in addition to other matters, he wants to do the "summit of democracies", to identify problems and find solutions to the current problematic political system.

Note: IMO, the most populous country with the most succesful Democratic system is Germany, which says a lot as it places some limits on free speech..


Lieutenant General
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Biden is seriously deluded. How exactly does he plan to "prevent" China from getting stronger?

Biden better go back and retire and live the rest of his life peacefully without imposing his delusions to the rest of the world..

Edit: I give him credit though that he can at least see this from China's perspective
Well Biden has a not so secret trump card he can play any time he needs to honour this pledge - when it looks like China is about to overtake the Us and become number 1 in the world, he can resign and hand off to Harris. Mission accomplished!

Although his term is only 4 years, and he is lucky to last half that. China was never going to comprehensively overtaking the US in such a short period of time in any case, so it’s at best setting the bar super low and more likely setting himself up for an easy win without having to actually do anything.


I think what China is doing is setting rules for future relationship with the west "立规矩". In the pre-Xi time, China did not have the strength, so China rarely push harder than the west. Xi's era started by adding "有所为" to "韬光养晦", that is "do something whenever able to". This is a big change that is enabled by the huge growth in Hu Jintao's era and US' downturn in the 2008 crisis. It is not coincident. Note, the change is not a change of strategy, but rather an integral step/phase of the pre-determined strategy.
I don't see any pre-determined strategy. Rather a "reactive" strategy


Registered Member
I don't see any pre-determined strategy. Rather a "reactive" strategy
Agreed. China so far has been reactive. Although I have to say that these counter sanctions from China were both reactive-proactive (stronger than expected response, the EU clearly didn't expect that)

I think one of the reasons of China not making first moves is that the current global environment is in their benefit so it doesn't want to rock the boat too much.

On the other hand, the US recognises that the current global environment is not in their interest and thats why they are proactive in making so many moves to change it.

However, I think in the end, China will be forced to become proactive as well, because if it continues to play defence it will lose to the US which is playing offence

Offence > Defence


Agreed. China so far has been reactive. Although I have to say that these counter sanctions from China were both reactive-proactive (stronger than expected response, the EU clearly didn't expect that)

I think one of the reasons of China not making first moves is that the current global environment is in their benefit so it doesn't want to rock the boat too much.

On the other hand, the US recognises that the current global environment is not in their interest and thats why they are proactive in making so many moves to change it.

However, I think in the end, China will be forced to become proactive as well, because if it continues to play defence it will lose to the US which is playing offence

Offence > Defence
CN will not have an effective strategy unless they become less and less obsessed by US.