Miscellaneous News


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There is something else going on here, that we do not see. At least I know I do not see it.

As of this moment, the Chinese are willing to sacrifice the CAI (which would be very minor as they would revert to the old deals), and the Chinese seem willing to sacrifice Huawei 5G business in much of Europe.

Note, that this may not happen, as this Sanctions War can blow away like a rain storm.

What the Chinese did was disproportionate. 10 politicians and 4 organizations! That was great! Probably more is coming, Chinese sanctions against America, UK and Canada.

The CCP is looking for a fight, and deliberately pushing the EU closer to America, for the moment at least.


That I do not see just yet.
I think what China is doing is setting rules for future relationship with the west "立规矩". In the pre-Xi time, China did not have the strength, so China rarely push harder than the west. Xi's era started by adding "有所为" to "韬光养晦", that is "do something whenever able to". This is a big change that is enabled by the huge growth in Hu Jintao's era and US' downturn in the 2008 crisis. It is not coincident. Note, the change is not a change of strategy, but rather an integral step/phase of the pre-determined strategy.


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The most powerful millennial called up the other three socialist countries today to notify them of 8th Congress of the WPK and call for unity among socialist countries as well as stand together against imperialist. About half a day prior to this he sent a similar verbal message to Xi.

And also today he launched two missiles, there seem to be still some confusion over weather they are cruise missiles or ballistic missiles.

I don't know what Kim is up to but I'm liking it.
One thing is sure that China does not voice any objections these years when Kim launched missiles or blast SK/US. Tide is changing.


Registered Member
I think China should target BCI "Better Cotton Initiative" who is behind all the acts of H&M, Nike, ZARA etc. This BCI is like international certification agency. However its major paymaster is USAID. With such government sponsorship BCI has lost its status as a trade organization. BCI's recent act is political, which is nothing a trade organization should do.

China should
  • Ban BCI certification work in China.
  • Ban any product sales in China with BCI certification. That is no import of raw cotton certified by BCI.
  • Ban any product import that has BCI certification. That is shirt made of BCI certified cotton should be banned.
  • Take legal action against BCI for misinformation, misconduct and discrimination. Sanction BCI employees.
  • Label BCI as foreign government agency.

The fact is that China is the number 1 cotton consumer, but only the 2nd producer. China import cotton rather than making profit from exporting. Anybody in the world who want to export cotton to China has to dump BCI.


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U.S. Forces are expanding in Saudi Arabia and you say SA betrayed US interest. Nonsense
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Wrong, they have done it in the past.
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“lawmakers in oil states such as Texas, Louisiana, North Dakota, and Alaska accuse Saudi Arabia of waging “
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“This isn’t how friends behave toward other friends,”


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Biden is seriously deluded. How exactly does he plan to "prevent" China from getting stronger?

Biden better go back and retire and live the rest of his life peacefully without imposing his delusions to the rest of the world..

Edit: I give him credit though that he can at least see this from China's perspective
“I see stiff competition with China,” Biden said in his first press conference as president. “China has an overall goal, and I don’t criticise them for the goal, but they have an overall goal to become the leading country in the world, the wealthiest country in the world and the most powerful country in the world. That’s not going to happen on my watch, because United States is going to continue to grow and expand.”


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The vast majority of China's trade with Europe goes by sea.
Only a fraction of trade goes by air or rail. And neither of these have any spare capacity anyway.

While sending goods via rail will never replace shipping, China have been aggressively expanding the rail system for several years now. I'm not sure on the progress at the moment but China planned for rail to replace 30% of shipping by 2020 which is a significant amount.

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An Egyptian official who spoke to the Associated Press confirmed that efforts to remove the ship would take at least two days and blamed a strong 50 km/h gust of wind for the accident.

Multiple reports cite local agents saying the ship lost power before veering starboard, with its bulbous bow becoming lodged into the bank of the canal. Diggers are currently trying to dig around the bow, while Egypt has mustered every available tug to shift the giant 399 m long vessel.

Shipping agency GAC reported the ship, owned by Shoei Kisen and on charter to Evergreen, suffered a black out while transiting in a northerly direction at 07.40 hours local time yesterday.

Perhaps a maintenance issue with the Ever Given vessel but it would be surprising as the vessel is only a few years old.