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Old neocon senator Lindsey Graham introduced a resolution to
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It would be comical (in a very bad way) if the American political establishment engineers another war in the Middle East to secure the presidency for Kamala Harris.

XJP be like — 10 more years, 10 more years, 10 more years!


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Is there another source for the video? This YouTube channel is very FLG. She's a very pro FLG media source. I don't trust her interpretations.
What is FLG?

Says the person who doesn't understand the basics of nuclear weapons. Yet wanna act smart and smug about it.

Stop playing victim. You can't face the truth. You like to generalise anyone who criticises the Muslim world is a Western stooge.
No. I like to correct anyone infected by propaganda and wants to discuss complicated topics whilst not knowing the basics. You don't even the basics of these philosophies and throw out these terms just like CNN and Fox News; you are, in essence, the same as Western propagandists.

Again, I do not believe that Islam as evil. But I know that there are men who interprets Islam in their own way to do evil. It's the same problem that is happening in all the other Abrahamic religions.
And in all other religions and no religions. People everywhere like to interpret and misinterpret for their own motives, you being one of them. This thread regularly highlights anti-China Chinese people.

There are plenty of Muslims who readily believe the lies of West and kill people for them. So do not dismiss my frustration about the Muslim world. Answer my question! Why should the Muslim world be trusted when so many of them have hurt, betrayed, and oppressed their own and so many people on behalf of the West, or to pursue their extremist agenda?
I don't need to answer it. If you want to trust them or not, go right ahead. It has no bearing on what I've written.

It's still a moot argument. Both the Salafi and Wahhabi sects have produced their fair share of violent extremists who kills people for the West. ISIS, and Jabhat al-Nusra all exist. ETIM who targets the Chinese are Salafi.

You bringing up other ethnicities and violent groups is just for distraction. You wanna know who else chop heads? The Europeans in the Middle Ages, Japan before the end of WW2, Imperial China, the Ottomans, the Saudis, the narco gangs of today.
My point exactly. Everybody from everywhere does it. But you've isolated two groups and blamed it on their philosophy with fabricated nonsense when in fact it's a universal human trait.

Stop throwing things around, playing victim, and pretending that there are no serious problems in the Muslim world. This is the hard truth, and you're refusing to face it. Which makes me respect you even less.
What am I refusing? Lol. You are just butthurt at being corrected about your misinformation regarding Salafis and Wahhabis. Why don't you show us from an Islamic source (or rather from a Salafi/Wahhabi) that these groups are bent on a global caliphate as you originally implied? Then we will know if your words have any merit or if you are, as I stated, perpetuating Western propaganda nonsense. You just can't handle being corrected.

You were able to come up with strong arguments to my question, and I appreciate that. But @_killuminati_ strikes me as one of those sensitive defenders of Islam who would not take any criticism about the Muslim world. He just dismisses these criticism and attacks me. I have seen quite a few Muslims like this, and they are very intolerant of any criticisms about their community, even when they are justified.
I'm not dismissing you for criticizing the Islamic world. I am dismissing you for your incorrect use of labels and terminologies. You don't know what is Muslim Brotherhood, Salafi, or Wahhabi. You simply do not know. All you know about it is what Western media propagates; your position is 100% inline with CNN, Fox News, etc. Even after being corrected, you refuse. You actually put Salafi-Wahhabi together verbatim (LOL). You can be immature and take this as an insult or you can take it as an opportunity to learn. And a good place to start learning is directly from the groups themselves. You don't need to agree with their motives and execution, just as I don't, but your understanding of them is both categorically and theoretically flawed.

No not you.

Israel is already doing it. Has been doing it for years. Iran hasn’t snapped. I guess they can keep on letting their people be killed. Be the adult in the room.

I don’t know what’s going to happen between Russia/Ukraine war. But up to 500,000 Russians may have died vs. maybe a couple of hundred western advisers and soldiers. So there’s that.
Last I checked (more than a year ago), nearly 17% of Ukraine's population fled the country within a year of the conflict. That's actually worse than Afghans of whom roughly 5% had fled after 20 years of war.
Keep sipping the Koolaid.

It is a shame because many Chinese people looked up to the West because the West accomplished more than China in the past four hundred years. Now many of us are forced to accept the fact that the average Chinese person in 2024 is morally and intellectually superior to the average Westerner in 2024. I think it's sad. In the space of eight years, many Chinese people went from admiring the West to being disgusted by it. Unfortunately, many of us were born in the West.
Everybody looked up to the West because the former was reeling from post/neo-colonialism' poverty and misery, while the latter were well-developed. It is a common phenomenon everywhere - people like to look up at what appears better.

Now as the former becomes more developed, they have no reason to look up to the West. And as the West heads into decline, the facade covering their ills is lifting, leaving others in disgust as they see the reality. The more recent moral depravity just exacerbates it, Paris 2024 being a good representation of that reality. This kind of nonsense will have even the most needy of people look down on you.
Muslims don't like fighting folks who can fight them back.
Like the Crusaders?
Think about it, who do Muslims not fight with? In the west and Africa they fight with Christians, in India they fight with Hindus, in the Middle East they fight with Jews, in China they had to be slapped up by the Atheists (the Hui Muslims along with the Yoruba Muslims of Nigeria are the exception not the rule) and you know you've got to be all kinds of fucked up when Buddhists want to kick your ass like they did in Myanmar. In these complex equations they are the constant.
If there's an exception in it then your conclusion is already flawed. Looks like you didn't think about it too well and just want to ignore the exception because it negates your contention.

This is how all societies work. Everybody fights, and when they grow in numbers, they demand benefits for themselves that were previously not there.

I'll give some examples: for the military component, what is mentionned in the original text can be summarised as "if you want peace, prepare for war" and "don't initiate conflict, but be ready to retaliate". The whole Jihad thing is a misunderstanding. Jihad means "struggle": overcoming the multiple tribulations encountered through life without losing one's faith. Fighting a war can be a form of Jihad IF
Jihad was one of the main concepts the Anglo-Zionists deliberately misconstrued for ulterior political motives. "Jihad: a holy war" was read on American media headlines daily right after 9/11. Ignorant folk fell for it and repeat it to this day. People like @Africablack simply cannot fathom the idea that a man combatting a gambling addiction is engaged in Jihad, because his sources of understanding these Islamic concepts have always been non-Islamic. If I want to learn Chinese culture, I will ask the Chinese not some Juju Babalwo witch doctor in Nigeria, or worse, China's #1 enemy across the ocean.
Looks like placed bomb, multiple detonations, filmed by small drone by the assassination team. Iran is so easy to infiltrate, mozad operator got away with it scotch free many times already. If Iran is half way competent they'd at least be able to exact some cost to such operation but no.
The pro-Shah Iranian diaspora which still has strong links to and presence in Iran is very anti-Ayatollah, and very pro-West. They are a wealthy group of people established in the West and conducting clandestine operations inside Iran.



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Looks like Israel assassinated Iran's president in Iran, setup a trap, then assassinated Hamas leader in Iran.
Well the video footage shows what looks like either a controlled demolition or some type of explosive materials going off in quick succession, a few seconds after an initial blast that could have been a missile. Although, in the infrared footage, there is no sign of a missile.

Regarding being a monk, if you don’t give up sex, desires for women, etc…better food, then there will also be competition. And competition plants the seeds for evil. I’m no philosopher, but that’s just my 30 second thought on the subject.
Seed of evil comes from being too lazy to compete and seeking nefarious alternatives. It's a personal character flaw that could have been corrected via active resistance to the temptation. Otherwise, everyone engaged in competitive sports would be evil.


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The pro-Shah Iranian diaspora which still has strong links to and presence in Iran is very anti-Ayatollah, and very pro-West. They are a wealthy group of people established in the West and conducting clandestine operations inside Iran.

Seems to me Iran is a very fractured nation, half of them are ready to fight to the death and half of them are ready to worship the west. IRGC is quite competent in foreign operations yet they don't seems to be interested in running the country, other than IRGC the rest of the Iran's national apparatus is just as incompetent as their arab neighbors.

Not sure who I'd bet on an Iran vs Israel fight. Let's see how Iran handles this latest incident


Senior Member
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Seems to me Iran is a very fractured nation, half of them are ready to fight to the death and half of them are ready to worship the west. IRGC is quite competent in foreign operations yet they don't seems to be interested in running the country, other than IRGC the rest of the Iran's national apparatus is just as incompetent as their arab neighbors.

Not sure who I'd bet on an Iran vs Israel fight. Let's see how Iran handles this latest incident
Given the IRGC inability to protect their own leaders, I don't think we can consider them competent.


Junior Member
Seems to me Iran is a very fractured nation, half of them are ready to fight to the death and half of them are ready to worship the west. IRGC is quite competent in foreign operations yet they don't seems to be interested in running the country, other than IRGC the rest of the Iran's national apparatus is just as incompetent as their arab neighbors.

Not sure who I'd bet on an Iran vs Israel fight. Let's see how Iran handles this latest incident
Israelis couldn't defeat a smaller and weaker Hezbollah in 2006, what chance do they have against a stronger and more developed Iran today?

Arij Javaid

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Israelis couldn't defeat a smaller and weaker Hezbollah in 2006, what chance do they have against a stronger and more developed Iran today?
Hezbollah has logistical and geographical advantage when fighting Israel unlike Iran. Ofcourse that also means Israel too has the advantage of causing great harm to Hezbollah. This fear of causing harm has kept the two from going into a full scale war. Iran on the other hand doesn't have a conventional airforce or an army designed to invade other countries. What it does have is a huge arsenal of high precision missiles that can cause great damage to Israel. Even wipe out Israel off the map. It's also a threshold nuclear state now.