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We are on an online forum. Most arguments and terms are arbitrary. Do you understand betraying US interest? as in Saudis switching to RMB from US dollars when pricing crude (thus abandoning petrol dollar). This will be seen as a betrayal by US since it harms US interests.

Different nations have their own calculation of what actions best serve national interests. From EU public, they are mostly in support of the sanctions. As for EU business interests in China, we will see how strong is PRC's retaliation in the coming weeks. Let's hope it's not a repeat of the NBA boycott.
Then you definition is flawed and meaningless since SA has already betrayed US interests by the common sense definition.

So public opinion equals national interests? If so then they are more incompetent than I thought.


Junior Member
Then you definition is flawed and meaningless since SA has already betrayed US interests by the common sense definition.

So public opinion equals national interests? If so then they are more incompetent than I thought.

When it comes to national interest, politicians should take public opinions into consideration.

Apparently you have more issue with my language than the substance of my arguments. Anyway, I think I have indulged you long enough.


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When it comes to national interest, politicians should take public opinions into consideration.

Apparently you have more issue with my language than the substance of my arguments. Anyway, I think I have indulged you long enough.
True leadership need to do the right thing even if it’s unpopular especially when the masses are brainwashed by anti Chinese propaganda as in this case. Too much spineless and incompetence from the EU.

I have issue with both aspects of your arguments.


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At today's Ministry of Defence news conference it was announced Minister of National Defence and State Councillor Wei Fenghe will be visiting Hungary, Serbia, Greece and North Macedonia from 24/03 to 31/03.
Good, cripple NATO before the Anglos decide to foist it upon China.

It's a pity about Czechia, relations were good before the czech leadership decided to go full anglo slave spear carrier.


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Baidu map has now removed HM store from their map. Any search for "HM" or "H&M" now showing null result.

Now you can't even find a physical shop to buy.
Well, that was quick. I like Chinese style: quick, effective and ruthless. H&M owner must have heart attack when wake up in morning and hear financial report. Btw is H&M have online store? Any info about them?


Registered Member
Well, that was quick. I like Chinese style: quick, effective and ruthless. H&M owner must have heart attack when wake up in morning and hear financial report. Btw is H&M have online store? Any info about them?
All HM online store are already down as of last night.

As soon as tmall heard about it they're like "oh hell no, we don't want to be associated with that shit, shut it down".


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What is serious harm? Is seriously harming US oil industry not serious enough? First you said “to betray“ now it’s “seriously harm” that’s a long gap with arbitrary definition. Those nice statements have symbolic value and I don’t pretend to know how trustworthy they really are but it’s certainly against US interests.

How does that contradict with what I said about EU being incompetent? It’s symbolic because they are afraid of doing it seriously so much for their supposed eagerness.
Right now I can only think of few good names to learn more about the essence of the PETRODOLLAR REGIME and its very crucial function for the empire existence!

Michael Hudson
William Engdahl

Cannot point you to any direct link, but I guess the GlobalResearch.ca is a good place to start the digging about the Petrodollar Regime

All the military muscles that Pentagon builds are to safeguard the PETRODOLLAR REGIME; and in turn the Petrodollar regime props the World Reserve Currency status of the USD. This combo of the Petrodollar Regime & WRC status in turn makes possible the finance of the military muscles, the 11 CVBG plus nearly 1,000 military outposts.

All these bedrock foundations of the Empire are CAUSALITY relationship! One does exist because the other is there. You miss one, the other will collapse by its own nature!


"The story of its ruin is simple and obvious; and instead of inquiring why the Roman empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long." - Edward Gibbon, the author of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire


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This is excellent and very important. These foreign businesses are improverishing the very Uighurs they claim to care about. This boycott is not only about defending businesses in Xinjiang. This is also the Chinese people's way of standing in solidarity with their Uighur brothers and sisters whose livelihoods are impacted.

China should frame this narrative. That Uighurs are as Chinese as any ethnicities in China. That any foreign business that dares to hurt the Uighurs, they will hurt all 1.4bil people of China. Hence they will receive punishment from all of China.
I'll also show my personal solidarity to not spend even a penny on all those brands that engage in this economic war against Chinese using the pretext of Xinjiang/Uyghur issues, or any other sanctions / embargoes / any form of unjust economic war!! And will tell so to friends who share the same thoughts!