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Like all things in life, there's always more than one cause.

The current world order was established by Europeans with their colonialism. This is the first time in 300-400 years that this order is being seriously challenged, not by European infighting, but by an external civilization.

Europeans are mostly Caucasians. They're also mostly Christians, and they represent the largest and most influential group of capitalists, no surprise since capitalism emerged in Europe and was responsible for their rise to power.

So you can call this a civilizational clash, a religious clash, or a class struggle, and they would all be correct, if not quite the whole picture.

Myself, I believe the driving force behind the current tension is the loss of influence by the ruling elites of the Western bloc. China's ability to resist Western exploitation, to turn that exploitation into wealth for itself, it's empowerment of developing nations that have long been the target of Western exploitation, and it's ability to present a successful model of governance that is different from that of the West, all of these present major threats to the Western elites.
Pepe Escobar has some very interesting notion to add up here in his recent article "shocked & awed 21st century geopolitics" about the ROOT cause, actually it came from Professor Hudson.
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In our latest conversation-interview, to be released soon in a video + transcript package, MICHAEL HUDSON – arguably the world’s top economist – hit the heart of the matter:

THE FIGHT AGAINST CHINA, the fear of China, is that you can’t do to China what you did to Russia. America would love for there to be a Boris Yeltsin figure in China to say, let’s just give all of the railroads that you’ve built, the high-speed rail, let’s give the wealth, let’s give all the factories to INDIVIDUALS and let the individuals run everything and, then we’ll LEND THEM THE MONEY, or WE’LL BUY THEM OUT and THEN WE CAN CONTROL THEM FINANCIALLY.

And China’s NOT letting that happen. And Russia STOPPED THAT from happening. And the fury in the West is that, somehow, the American FINANCIAL SYSTEM is UNABLE TO TAKE OVER foreign resources, foreign agriculture. It is left only with military means of grabbing them as we are seeing in the near East and you’re seeing in the Ukraine right now.


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The boycott is now being picked up by western media which is excellent.
What I've noticed is lots of people brained washed by western media think somehow the Chinese people secretly hate CPC, this boycott will hopefully set some of them straight.

Meanwhile, as the social media backlash now spreads to other major Western brands, some companies in China have begun to prominently advertise their use of cotton made in Xinjiang. Chinese brand Anta Sports said in a statement that it would continue to use cotton from Xinjiang, while Japanese retailer Muji began to advertise products made with "Xinjiang cotton."


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The boycott is now being picked up by western media which is excellent.
What I've noticed is lots of people brained washed by western media think somehow the Chinese people secretly hate CPC, this boycott will hopefully set some of them straight.

Haha even the Japanese advertise Xinjiang...


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If many decades from now we get the full story and this is a PLAN inside job I'll be like "I knew something was up, the timing and circumstances around it was too good to be true."

Either that or someone has been praying to 西天懂佛 a lot.

It is not in China's interests to block the Suez canal.

The vast majority of China's trade with Europe goes by sea.
Only a fraction of trade goes by air or rail. And neither of these have any spare capacity anyway.


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@Sardaukar20 nice post as always and another thing how can they return to China? via Afghanistan? they have to pass thru SCO member countries and Russian. If they plan to use Afghanistan as a base of operation, the Taliban and Pakistan will surely not allow that to happen. I now see the value of SCO with the current Alliances between Russia and China, it will provide the security arrangement within the region.
As of today. The US military is still allowed to fly assets in and out of Afghanistan via routes crossing SCO member states. They are already moving Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists back and forth between Syria and Afghanistan as of now. When the US want to fly In Uighur terrorists from Syria to Afghanistan, its gonna be just business as usual.

It would be nice if the SCO can unite to deny access to US flights in and out of Afghanistan. But I doubt that that could actually materialize. It could create massive tensions with the US and NATO.

I don't think China will have too much difficulty stopping terrorists from entering into the country. What I am really concerned is that terrorist attacks could also happen outside of China.

It has happened before. We must recall the 2015 Bangkok bombing. The attack targeted the Erawan Shrine. A popular tourist spots for ethnic Chinese tourists. Among those killed are Thais, Mainland Chinese, HKgers, Malaysians, a Singaporean, and an Indonesian. All of the non-Thai victims were ethnic Chinese. I was a tourist at Bangkok at that time, but fortunately at another area. I could just as easily have visited that shrine on that day. The bomber was connected to the Grey Wolves Turkish terrorist group who were involved in the trafficking of Uighur terrorists from China to Turkey, and then to Syria. Thailand was just a transit point. The bombing was perpetrated as revenge after Thai authorities caught a few Uighur terrorists and repatriated them back to China.

This is a very real danger if another wave of Islamic terrorism is being launched against China. Chinese citizens and ethnic Chinese could be targeted outside of China. If the Grey Wolves and ETIM could not kill Chinese in China, they can very well switch to target Chinese overseas. Citizens or not.

This is why I feel very angry about what the US and friends are doing with Xinjiang, the Uighurs and ETIM. They are on the path, whether consciously or not, to support and sponsor terrorism that specifically targets Chinese people in China and around the world. And when an attack really does happen, it can be easily blamed on China. The victims be damned. They couldn't care less about Chinese lives. That is pure imperialist evil.

Outside of China. We can only hope and pray that our respective security forces are up for the task to prevent any more terrorism.
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When it comes to national interest, politicians should take public opinions into consideration.

Apparently you have more issue with my language than the substance of my arguments. Anyway, I think I have indulged you long enough.
It's been often argued by sound, rationale, and objective military-political-business strategists that taking or making foreign policy advice based on polling or popular support is never ever a good thing or beneficial for the country long term.

Take the Iraq War II for example, that war waged by the U.S. is seen and judged by most astute strategists and lay person as the worst strategic blunder America made. The costs in terms of money, blood, and reputation not to mention their time wasted in Iraq left them distracted from their geo strategic foe that's China. It eluded America's attention long enough for the country to leap frog and advance it's economy, modernized its military and become a threat as a peer competitor in a short span.

But that piror to that war happening, the American people with all their supposed wisdom had a 91% support for the planned invasion since most of them were idiots led to believe that Saddam had something to do with 911 attacks. None of them believed the U.N. inspections as being truthful when it declared that Saddam and Iraq were in compliance because their minds were poison and easily led astray by the very same media (liberal, conservative) that Saddam is not to be trusted and that liberating Iraq means helping Iraqi from "human rights" violation from the evil regime.

You can't find or will be hard pressed to find any sane individual worth his or her salt to agree or assess the Iraq War as sound, prudent, or strategically important.

Public opinion must be taken into account but must not be used as the final arbiter or be used as the primary driver in any policy formulations, proposals and actions. But of course in a "Democracy" that would be suicidal since politicians being politicians will use whatever it can muster for its own survival, victory and demise over it's political rivals.


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To follow up on this. Because of the sanctions and boycotts on Chinese companies for employing Uighur labour. They are impoverishing the Uighur populace. The very people they claim to want to help. Because of this, some Uighurs have to move Eastward to the bigger cities to find other job opportunities. And these so-called human rights A-holes are calling it as yet another form of genocide.

The US removed ETIM from the terrorist list in the last days of the Trump presidency. It may not be the most important development back then. But now its getting clearer what the US and friends wanted to achieve. They hoped that their economic punishment of the Uighurs will condemn them back into desperate poverty. Such as populace are perfect to recruit terrorists. They hope to achieve a kind of pseodo Arab-spring in Xinjiang. Mainly to derail China's BRI. But also with the convenient addition of separatism, terrorism, and more excuse to intervene into China. This is beyond plain evil.

Very fortunately for China. They have managed to complete their anti-poverty and deradicalization programs by 2020. So, even the most desperate Uighurs can still find opportunities for employment within China. And China introduced the dual-circulation economic plan in the nick of time. So I foresee that the hardship of the Uighur people will be temporary at best.

The long term problem will be in the West and Turkey. They are the largest habitat for Uighur terrorists. Right now most of these Uighur terrorists are fighting in Syria. One day they will return to Turkey and the West when the Syrian war winds down. China is too smart and ruthless to allow these guys a backdoor back into the country. Then these guys are gonna stay longer and longer in the West and Turkey. Eventually, as with any terrorists, they will turn on their backers.
This Map Shows a Trillion-Dollar Reason Why US is Backing Terrorism in Western China

As part of a larger, concerted effort to encircle and contain China, an ongoing disinfo campaign has been waged against Beijing's massive Belt and Road Initiative using Xinjiang and Uyghur as the targets!

The West is waging war against China and its economic expansion not only on the ground from Washington to Syria to Xinjiang, but all across information space as well.

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Haha even the Japanese advertise Xinjiang...
But some folk here said that the bigger apparel company of Japan, Uniqlo, is boycotting Xinjiang products. I believe Uniqlo is bigger in apparel than Muji, but I could be wrong.

Japanese garment retailer MUJI clarifies use of Xinjiang cotton amid boycotting outrage (25 March 2021)

Kyodo News reported in February that 12 major Japanese companies have established a policy of ceasing business deals with Chinese companies found to benefit from the forced labor in China's Xinjiang region.

The 12 companies include MUJI, and Fast Retailing Co, operator of the Uniqlo casual clothing brand.
The Global Times found that Xinjiang cotton products that were previously on sale have been hard to find on Uniqlo's official website.

As of time of press, Uniqlo has not yet responded to the interview from Global Times.

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Nike, the next target after H&M on Xinjiang cotton issue (25 March 2021)
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Chinese netizens don't buy H&M reply regarding Xinjiang cotton (25 March 2021)
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