Reflecting on Ismail Haniyeh's assassination. It's clear to see the clear gulf in effectiveness of the military and intelligence between Israel and the Arab world. Israel can regularly assassinate it's targets in Iran, Lebanon and even outside of the Middle East. But in return, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, or the Houthis can only lob rockets and missiles that causes negligible material damage and casualties to the Israelis. They claimed that they have hurt Israeli prestige, but is Israel really that bothered? They still continue to bomb and kill who they like.
When the Houthis send dozens of drones and missiles to Israel, 9/10 of the time, they don't hit anything, or when they do hit something, the damage is mostly symbolic. When the Israelis send an airstrike, they hit hard, leveling buildings, blowing up oil depots, and killing lots of people, and they often kill important people too. There is no contest as to who can inflict the bigger damage. The Muslim resistance have to reflect on this objectively and make improvements. They should cut down on regularly declaring victory for every rocket or projectile that is thrown at Israel's direction. Symbolism doesn't always translate into damage. Effectiveness does.
Ismail Haniyeh himself is not totally innocent. This guy is a product of the disunity in the Muslim world. His organisation, Hamas was created by the Israelis to divide the unity of the Palestinian resistance. He is a member of the treacherous Muslim brotherhood, regularly commuting around Turkey and Qatar. In 2012, he was active in the Arab Spring. He betrayed the Assad government in Syria, and organised the Palestinian refugees in Syria to fight against government and terrorize ordinary Syrians.
Muslims around the world spend so much more time and blood killing each other than their supposed nemesis of Israel and the West. The Muslim brotherhood continue to cry crocodile tears for the Palestinians, but would jump at any other enemy that the West designates as their enemy. They'll jump at the opportunity and fight Syrians, Serbs, and Russians, but would hide away from any fights with the Israelis. As long as the Muslim world cannot get their act together, they'll continue to get slapped around by their nemesis.