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It really boils down to this in the end.

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If you think that this is strictly a Trump doctrine then I’ve got a bridge to sell to you.

Like all things in life, there's always more than one cause.

The current world order was established by Europeans with their colonialism. This is the first time in 300-400 years that this order is being seriously challenged, not by European infighting, but by an external civilization.

Europeans are mostly Caucasians. They're also mostly Christians, and they represent the largest and most influential group of capitalists, no surprise since capitalism emerged in Europe and was responsible for their rise to power.

So you can call this a civilizational clash, a religious clash, or a class struggle, and they would all be correct, if not quite the whole picture.

Myself, I believe the driving force behind the current tension is the loss of influence by the ruling elites of the Western bloc. China's ability to resist Western exploitation, to turn that exploitation into wealth for itself, it's empowerment of developing nations that have long been the target of Western exploitation, and it's ability to present a successful model of governance that is different from that of the West, all of these present major threats to the Western elites.


Lieutenant General
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The fetishization of Asian women actually started because of modern day Western feminism. That started with Rosie the Riveter when women had to work at the factories because the men were fighting WWII. When the war was over women still wanted to keep their jobs at the factory to the ire of men coming home from the war. American men wanted their women to return to the home to be obedient and dutiful wives. Before, Asian women were portrayed as evil snakes of subterfuge. The Korean War also started and stories of what women were doing at home were reaching oversea to soldiers fighting that war. Hollywood started making movies of US soldiers fighting WWII and the Korean War where they found comfort with Asian war brides as alternatives to their own white women. Asian women have always been used to counter the feminist movement. Do white women recognize this? No, they actually fell for it. That's why you see white women perpetuate the stereotypes and are unsympathetic to Asian women. I mentioned before a few years back a serial rapist was running amok around the UC Berkeley campus. Normally when something like this happens, you see women rallying in support of the victims. You'll see it on the news and local politicians calling for the police to do a better job and catch this rapist. But nothing of the sort happened? Why? Was it because the rapist targeted only Asian women and the rapist wasn't Asian...? BTW, I never heard if they ever caught this rapist. I also mentioned before the story of Bebe Lee. She was a Chinese-American student at UC Berkeley back in the early 1980s. She was found murdered at a wooded part of the campus. Turns out her boyfriend murdered her and dumped her body out in the woods. But before her body was discovered he would repeatedly go back and have sex with her dead body day after day until it was found. At the trial people actually protested that her boyfriend was young and had his whole life in front of him that shouldn't be thrown away so he shouldn't be punished. Sounds like the sympathy Robert Aaron Long was given by the sheriff. And because of this incident the notorious suspects are complaining about cancel culture where people who said bad things about Asians are being punished for things said in the past. And yet the sexual perversions and excuses have stayed the same.


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Straight from Ren Chonghao, aka 马前卒, chief editor of Guancha. The purpose of the cross strait radio which have started broadcasting this week is to provide a way to disseminate information directly to people of Taiwan during times of war when internet or other means of communication may be disrupted.

The picture is intended go to with his video. It says

"All persons regardless of civilian or military must avoid military installations or high rises in the next 24 hours..."
"...stay away from glass walls, PLA will restore order shortly"


Senior Member
Registered Member
Like all things in life, there's always more than one cause.

The current world order was established by Europeans with their colonialism. This is the first time in 300-400 years that this order is being seriously challenged, not by European infighting, but by an external civilization.

Europeans are mostly Caucasians. They're also mostly Christians, and they represent the largest and most influential group of capitalists, no surprise since capitalism emerged in Europe and was responsible for their rise to power.

So you can call this a civilizational clash, a religious clash, or a class struggle, and they would all be correct, if not quite the whole picture.

Myself, I believe the driving force behind the current tension is the loss of influence by the ruling elites of the Western bloc. China's ability to resist Western exploitation, to turn that exploitation into wealth for itself, it's empowerment of developing nations that have long been the target of Western exploitation, and it's ability to present a successful model of governance that is different from that of the West, all of these present major threats to the Western elites.

The good thing is dissemination of articles like this across the Sinosphere unites the Chinese civilization in a way unimaginable to even the Chinese government. I am not a fan of the CPC, but I and many on this forum will endure and struggle with an intensity that surprises even ourselves in order to ensure the continued rise and flourishing of Chinese civilization, the west be damned.


Junior Member
H&M must be made an example of, since the Swedish government banned Huawei, China will ban one of their companies.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

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However, in real life, the situation is far more weird and complex.

The fact is that H&M acted on their own accord and decided to ban Xinjiang cotton.

H&M volunteered to be the chicken.

Remember the still empty non-entity list, the NBA boycott. :mad: Chinese government made a choice not retaliating harshly against numerous economical assault from the west in the name of trump-up charges. If China made a few examples out of large multinationals earlier, western firms would probably think twice when harming Chinese interests. I wonder just how many punches are needed for China to understand the importance of reciprocity.


Registered Member
Remember the still empty non-entity list, the NBA boycott. :mad: Chinese government made a choice not retaliating harshly against numerous economical assault from the west in the name of trump-up charges. If China made a few examples out of large multinationals earlier, western firms would probably think twice when harming Chinese interests. I wonder just how many punches are needed for China to understand the importance of reciprocity.
Look at it from another angle.

Reciprocity is not important, compared to winning or achieving your objectives.

The trade war and tech war could last a while.

Sooner or later, the Chinese will counter attack. Here is the counter attack, and this is not stopping.

Europe is going into its third lock down due to the coronavirus. What we have seen the last few days, China attacking all of the western world in some way shape or form, that is simply unprecedented.

This jailing of Canadian due the the American case of Meng Wanzhou, the contempt displayed for the whole world to see in Alaska by the CCP, the sanctions war against the EU, now boycotts of western companies which could mean they are finished perhaps even in RCEP.

Personally I would rather see the attack done this way in this irregular warfare, than just some knee jerk retaliatory type of actions.

After these two weeks, the opponents must regroup because they are isolated and in some cases reeling.

Simple retaliatory actions by China at the time of the original action against China, cannot achieve what we saw these past two weeks.

Best thing is this, this counter attack is not stopping.

Wang Yi going to Iran for a visit ... gonna to squeeze them all on that diplomatic front too.



Registered Member
Remember the still empty non-entity list, the NBA boycott. :mad: Chinese government made a choice not retaliating harshly against numerous economical assault from the west in the name of trump-up charges. If China made a few examples out of large multinationals earlier, western firms would probably think twice when harming Chinese interests. I wonder just how many punches are needed for China to understand the importance of reciprocity.
What we are seeing this past two weeks ...

What we are seeing is China is trying to step on their neck.

That is good.

No, that is great!

The fight is really on now.

That is warfare. You pick the right time to launch the offensive.

Last week Saudi Arabia said it will try to fulfill all of China's oil needs for the next 50 years, words to that effect. This week, Wang Yi visits Iran. China is determined to remake the entire Middle East to be China friendly and eradicate all unwanted and malign actors, who always are the usual suspects.

Step on their neck, that is the point of an attack, not tit-for-tat retaliation. The tit-for-tat retaliation cannot do that.

What we are watching is coordinated by CCP, and they not stopping.