I dunno… maybe ask ChatGPT on how to make it more BBC World news like. I personally think a more pith is needed… just sayin…Ailing Supreme Leader Josef Biden, in what appears to be a fit of delirium, has purged the preferred candidate of former Supreme Leader B. Hussein Obama with a preemptive maneuver to position his deputy, Vice President Kamala Harris, as the successor. Harris, a rising star with a background in the regional security forces, has consistently behaved as a hardliner, perhaps in an attempt to make up for her status as an ethnic minority in this post-colonial nation still struggling with the legacy of slavery and segregation.
In the DPA, party elders hold great power over policy decisions behind the scenes. Supreme Leader B. Hussein Obama presided over the second greatest financial crisis in US history resulting in a years long recession, the dissolution of some of the largest financial companies in the US and an unsustainable rise in debt amidst the largest money supply expansion in history to date. The Obama era money supply expansion was only exceeded by another one under current Supreme Leader Josef Biden.
BBC, Washington.