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The international community should condemn this arbitrary detention of foreign citizens and demand the immediate release of these renowned pharmaceutical rights activists.

Edit: Apparently air piracy and kidnapping was also involved in this arrest. Simply an abhorrent, appalling transnational repression atrocity by the ADP regime and blatant disregard of international law.
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100K shells a day? this will be like 37m a year. how to deal with such scale for storage and transportation to a offroad military truck with much lower payload capacity. i dont think people will be willing to work in explosive factory long term.
Videos about cruise missiles or shell production atleast should show the storage size of the factory. and these masks are now used dealing with metal work.
this 12k per day factory size.
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View attachment 133012
Never bet against the #1 industrial power on earth today. China will be able to do it when operating in a war economy. Don't compare Russian military production with China's today. Because Russia is in a wartime economy, while China is still in a peacetime economy.

You think that nobody wants to work in explosives factories long term? Well, tell that to the Chinese. China produces roughly 90% of the world's fireworks. Nobody else even comes close to China's production numbers. Because of global demand, China produces fireworks in vast quantities all-year round. There are millions of Chinese working in that industry for decades already. These millions of people who have vast experience working with explosives for peace will not be needing extensive adjustments to work with explosives for war. So do not doubt China too easily.

Why are you concerned about warehouse and storage? China is the world's factory. It has more warehouses and storage space than you can ever imagine. In order to meet with global demand, China has the best logistics on Earth. All that vast infrastructure, trucks, and trains are not for show. You think too small. China is nothing like your beloved Gulf Arab nations whose industrial capacity is microscopic compared to East Asia.


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We need a term for Anglo watching and the Anglo version of “kremlinology”.

Looks like the obama and hilary faction could be purged once the MAGA and Trumpets seize power.
I'm just going to keep applying Fair And Unbiased BBC style reporting to the power struggles that they call "elections".

BBC can't be wrong in any way since the British crown never lies, right?


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The chairman outmaneuvered the treacherous Kenyan Clique and counterpurged the entire ADP.
Ailing Supreme Leader Josef Biden, in what appears to be a fit of delirium, has purged the preferred candidate of former Supreme Leader B. Hussein Obama with a preemptive maneuver to position his deputy, Vice President Kamala Harris, as the successor. Harris, a rising star with a background in the regional security forces, has consistently behaved as a hardliner, perhaps in an attempt to make up for her status as an ethnic minority in this post-colonial nation still struggling with the legacy of slavery and segregation.

In the DPA, party elders hold great power over policy decisions behind the scenes. Supreme Leader B. Hussein Obama presided over the second greatest financial crisis in US history resulting in a years long recession, the dissolution of some of the largest financial companies in the US and an unsustainable rise in debt amidst the largest money supply expansion in history to date. The Obama era money supply expansion was only exceeded by another one under current Supreme Leader Josef Biden.

BBC, Washington.


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Food quality seems to be an issue at the Olympics this year as well

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I thought the French are known for their food quality, what in holy shiz is wrong with these people. Man they really did let themselves go, although to be honest, I never really understood what was so good about French cooking anyways, other then snails and frog legs, most French dishes are overpriced as hell for the taste and even then, I feel like Asian cooking is way better for the price and taste.


Registered Member
We need a term for Anglo watching and the Anglo version of “kremlinology”.

Looks like the obama and hilary faction could be purged once the MAGA and Trumpets seize power.
Anglomics, covering the fields of; politics, economics, and eugenics.

If the purge goes though it will be an interesting four years, if he lasts that long (likely). He will probably succeed in turning the US isolationist, which will ultimately be good for the world.


Registered Member
I thought the French are known for their food quality, what in holy shiz is wrong with these people. Man they really did let themselves go, although to be honest, I never really understood what was so good about French cooking anyways, other then snails and frog legs, most French dishes are overpriced as hell for the taste and even then, I feel like Asian cooking is way better for the price and taste.
LOL! French cuisine still beats Anglo cuisine anytime. Those kinds of food lack culture and sophistication. And they'll will make you fat in no time.


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There was also the Sinochem's stripping of its voting rights in Pirelli. They had that right because of their partial (37%) ownership of Pirelli. Now Sinochem has no voting power in a business they have stakes in. Imagine owning 37% of a business but having no say over how it is run. If we stop being kind and call this what it is, it was an act of theft by the Italian government. I would speculate that it was more of a consideration for Chinese businesses. You know, the same adminstration might involve "national security something something" in future and take away their rights over their factories. Italy will stay toxic to large Chinese businesses at least until Meloni leaves.

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They even tied this to the American chip obsession. What a joke.
From the sounds of it, Italy best functions as a negative example of nations who abuse the BRI and chinese generosity.

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This is the real reason apple is restoring factories to China. Turns out, nobody wants turd particles in their phones And Chinese certainly don’t want to give money to Anglo sepoy slaves who want to kill Chinese people.

LOL! French cuisine still beats Anglo cuisine anytime. Those kinds of food lack culture and sophistication. And they'll will make you fat in no time.

not really a high bar tbh.