Miscellaneous News


Considering the sizes of Canada's markets, they are just being grandiose.

It's about time.

Donald Trump calls for Taiwan to ‘pay’ for its own defence​

TSMC shares slide after Republican candidate’s comments rattle island nation reliant on security guarantee
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First-hand eyewitness account of Uyghur genocide by an US vlogger:

They may be poor, but they are not stupid.


Registered Member
Our train fell of the track and they were just like okay the line is now closed forever. Replacement wont be here until 2035, prob later

Freeland's grandfather is
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She flew too close to the sun.
Her job is in question as it seems her Masters Degree in Russian Literature and job experience in Journalism and fieldwork in destabilizing the Soviet government actually doesn't make her qualified to help formulate economic policy.
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1. Cost of housing in Canada is so mismatched with wages in some locales that a random suburb of Toronto is the 2nd most expensive place to live in North America
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2. Implement carbon taxes in a cold country that still is using mostly fossil fuels for heating further increasing the cost of living.
3. Threaten to implement tariffs on everyday goods made in China when there is crisis with basics such as food and gasoline
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4. Put up roadblocks to EV affordability that can mitigate the above
5. Somehow botch a capital gains tax plan that is meant as a tax on the wealthy, but hitting many people who worked to purchase secondary properties and benefitted from the rise in property values. Further criticized as a Ponzi scheme due to the deadlines set out.
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Send money to Ukraine, talk about "friendshoring", strengthening NATO, Chinese "overproduction" (aka capitalism), and other nonsense, meanwhile do nothing to improve the economic health of the country.
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Junior 100% shares the blame in this policy, but he gets to fire his subordinates, so if she buys into this nonsense, she deserves to be gone.


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Remember this?
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argentine footy player Messi thinking Chinese weren’t worth it but Japanese surely were?

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man, that’s a nasty career ending foot injury, I don’t want to seem unkind so I wish him and his family a speedy recovery. Hopefully he will have grown wiser and less stupid about China.
Difficult to feel sympathy for a person so easily bought out (by those underhanded bastards everyone knows about) to humiliate the nation he was set to play in who have done him no harm whatsoever. So really may he continue to have the most interesting of times in the future to come

Considering the sizes of Canada's markets, they are just being grandiose.

It's about time.

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First-hand eyewitness account of Uyghur genocide by an US vlogger:

They may be poor, but they are not stupid.
Sooner or later Taiwan will unite with China, Trump simply made things easier by spelling out that the USA is broke, I mean it’s not like funding all that crap in Ukraine and Israel for 2 years in terms of weapons and money and even personal isn’t going to make it next to impossible to add Taiwan into the list of things to do when the inventory is low. But then again it’s not like the US has a brain at this point in time either
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This is the sort of attitude by your average American which makes me want to embark on a decade long campaign to deprive the anglos of the North American and Australian continents.

After the attempted coup against Xi Jinping, Jennifer Zeng now alleges that Xi suffered a stroke at the Third Plenary Session of the Chinese Communist Party.
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it’s clear that making a living out of bullshitting gives you a dead look in your eyes and really ages you.

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Apparently western media were banned from the Plenum so they started making up fake news to spread rumours. Man, these journalists are really making themselves targets for atrocities in wartime.


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Everyone in the west and even some here seems to have really swallowed the "Indian economy" hype train when in reality it's quite the opposite of what's being advertised and pushed in most western "analysts" splash across all media platforms. Much like India's current infrastructure qualitative deficiency as seen by the constant collapsing of bridges, shoddy built road, airport collapsing, train derailments. Not to mention the much hype Indian military and army that's once again facing numerous deaths from insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir as well as the woefully introduced scheme of Agnivath/Agniveers - causing headaches, intra-service friction and discrimination - all in the quixotic pursuit of supapowah status.

Youth unemployment is so high that it's contributed to an increase in suicide rates in India



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They should at least replace Kamala with Newsome at this point, every moment delayed where they dingle Newsome is votes lost at this point.

I say go with the joker strat and make him visit covid patients in September to try and catch it and have an excuse to roid him up during the debate.


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