Our train fell of the track and they were just like okay the line is now closed forever. Replacement wont be here until 2035, prob later
Freeland's grandfather is
She flew too close to the sun.
Her job is in question as it seems her Masters Degree in Russian Literature and job experience in Journalism and fieldwork in destabilizing the Soviet government actually doesn't make her qualified to help formulate economic policy.
1. Cost of housing in Canada is so mismatched with wages in some locales that a random suburb of Toronto is the 2nd most expensive place to live in North America
2. Implement carbon taxes in a cold country that still is using mostly fossil fuels for heating further increasing the cost of living.
3. Threaten to implement tariffs on everyday goods made in China when there is crisis with basics such as food and gasoline
4. Put up roadblocks to EV affordability that can mitigate the above
5. Somehow botch a capital gains tax plan that is meant as a tax on the wealthy, but hitting many people who worked to purchase secondary properties and benefitted from the rise in property values. Further criticized as a Ponzi scheme due to the deadlines set out.
Send money to Ukraine, talk about "friendshoring", strengthening NATO, Chinese "overproduction" (aka capitalism), and other nonsense, meanwhile do nothing to improve the economic health of the country.
Junior 100% shares the blame in this policy, but he gets to fire his subordinates, so if she buys into this nonsense, she deserves to be gone.