Trump will hang that framed picture in his bedroom, toilets of Mars-a-Lago, Oval Office and the lobby of Trump Tower.
I think the highest chance of success (ex war) would be through, over the course of 2-3 generations: racial dilution with various culturally dissimilar immigrants to change the outlook of society, whilst using the 'mixing pot' dynamic make it impossible for them to formulate coherent long term plans, accompanied with setting up of lobby groups to magnify divisive interests while ingraining dependence on Chinese goods and services via Chinese multinationals, their society will become like a large combination of the worst elements of South Africa and Brazil, with maybe several unofficial blocs based on culture / race.How though would this be achieved?
I just don't see any realistic route to removing them from mainland USA. At least not through direct military means.
What could you see such a campaign consist of?
The only thing I can think of is long term social engineering to get as many third world migrants in as possible so as to dilute and derail white anglo control over politics and make the streets unpoliceble for the regime. De facto loss of control over taxable income, cartels ruling the local cities/politicians. Central government busy with reigning in locals. Gunfights on the streets, freely proliferating drugs etc. Call it the project to create a new South Africa.
I don't know if China has the inclination or even the planning capacity to undertake this sort of campaign.
Chinese language account of Trump assassination written in the style of “Records of the Grand Historian” make him look like an even bigger badass than the photo did.
The day may yet come where either ABM technology supported with hypersonics will be able to confer a decent amount of protection against nukes or the mental taboo against nukes is overcome. The anglos have expressed no such qualms against using nukes on asians unlike the healthy amount of fear they had against Soviet nukes.How though would this be achieved?
China would likely use nukes in the event they lost just 21 million Chinese in like 3% of its own territory. Why would US, which is still at the end of the day a near peer to China, not use nukes in response to the loss of over 330 million Americans across 95% of their territory?
I just don't see any realistic route to removing them from mainland USA. At least not through direct military means.
What could you see such a campaign consist of?
The only thing I can think of is long term social engineering to get as many third world migrants in as possible so as to dilute and derail white anglo control over politics and make the streets unpoliceble for the regime. De facto loss of control over taxable income, cartels ruling the local cities/politicians. Central government busy with reigning in locals. Gunfights on the streets, freely proliferating drugs etc. Call it the project to create a new South Africa.
I don't know if China has the inclination or even the planning capacity to undertake this sort of campaign.
India exports not only labour to Italy, but also Indian labour practices.Italian police say they have freed 33 Indian farm labourers from slave-like working conditions in the northern Verona province.
Police have arrested two Indians for bringing the workers into the country by promising them jobs and a better future, but later exploiting them.
The employer must have dumped him back to his Indian agents, and they in turn, just dumped him on the side of the road.Exploitation of migrant workers is in the spotlight in Italy since after his arm was severed in a work accident.
The man was allegedly left on the side of the road following the accident, which also left his legs crushed.
His employer is now under investigation for criminal negligence and manslaughter.
In a statement sent to the BBC, police said the Indian workers were promised entry into Italy and seasonal work permits by their employers before they were brought to the Verona countryside.
For European standards, this is considered slave labour. But for Indian standards, this is normal.Upon arrival, they were made to work 10-12 hours a day for seven days a week for wages as low as €4 per hour. And even that sum was not paid to them as it went towards settling the debt they owed their employers.
Their passports were also confiscated as soon as they arrived in Italy and they were banned from leaving their "dilapidated" apartments.
"Every morning, the workers piled into vehicles covered in tarpaulin where they hid among boxes of vegetables until they reached the Verona countryside for work," the police statement said.
Building a piece of rural India in Italy.Searches of their apartments showed the workers were "forced to live in precarious and degrading conditions" and "in total violation of health and hygiene regulations", it added.
The main culprits for creating these slave labour conditions are the local Mafia and the Indian labour agencies. But the Italian employers are not innocent too. Willing buyer, willing seller.Undocumented labourers across Italy are often subject to a system known as “caporalato” – a gangmaster system which sees middlemen illegally hiring labourers who are then forced to work for very low salaries. Even workers with regular papers are often paid well below the legal wage.
Trump will hang that framed picture in his bedroom, toilets of Mars-a-Lago, Oval Office and the lobby of Trump Tower.
The general population buys wholesale into the Chinese = orcs and China = Mordor narrative.Let me elaborate. Westerners are using China as a proxy to gain power over each other. A cursory look across the anglophone internet reveals a desire for many western men to find meaning over a glorious racial holy war against China where it is hoped that all the western nations will be united into a grand brand new roman empire. American politicians today are hoping to be the new Bismark and want a war with China to unite the west, much as Bismark needed a war against France to unite all the german speaking peoples.
Americans needs all hands on deck for their desired war with china because they learnt from Korea that even with a united UN NATO type force, they could only gain a stalemate against an impoverished Chinese militia. Now, going up against chinese hypersonic missiles and lasers? Not to mention Chinese aircraft carriers? They need all the bodies, especially turkish or indian, to soak up machine gun fire so their chosen people blood doesn't get spilt.
I mean this is kind of what Mao seemingly believed in, stacking nuclear defenses, waiting for the decisive trade, and hundreds of millions in China would emerge as the survivors and create global socialism. It was certainly not an unwise line of thinking, especially since he lived in the hopeless time when China didn't not only not have economic dominance, but it was not even in sight. Military was the only thing we could match the Americans in.The day may yet come where either ABM technology supported with hypersonics will be able to confer a decent amount of protection against nukes or the mental taboo against nukes is overcome. The anglos have expressed no such qualms against using nukes on asians unlike the healthy amount of fear they had against Soviet nukes.
I will stress however that should the day come and the balloon goes up for this much desired grand ride of the Rohirrim against China, then we cannot expect the anglos to view this as a normal civilised war, not when they were so ready to unleash biological weapons in Korea against asians.
How would this “all of society” campaign come about? Like the sort of gray zone warfare that the anglos perfected against native Americans; a multi generational multi decade and even century spanning campaign of PLA expeditionary forces making landfall on the American continent, forcing the people to accept the new Chinese order. In fact there is precedent, the multi decade long campaign against the xiongnu and the Anglo invasion of aboriginal australia. Make no mistake, judging by the dialogues of western commentators be they jack London or your average 4chan aficionado, their desire for genocide against Chinese is even more stark, and it bleeds into their everyday interactions with Chinese and other Asian peoples. Look how Americans turn a blind eye to the violence against Asian elders and how they only accept homosexual or fat and non threatening Asian men In the workplace. The core aim of this campaign is not simply to take the North American and Australian continents but to deprive the five eyes of the resources of those continents. Razing and destroying crop lands of the Midwest wheat belt and the arable lands of Australia or the mass firebombing of bushland is no different to the Anglo extermination of the native Americans by proxy by wiping out the buffalo.
Looking at the Anglo mind, why were they so psycho when supposedly China hacked the database of personnel of US government workers? Because the Anglo Americans got it into their heads that China would program a global suicide drone for each and every member of that database using facial recognition and biometric data, That’s the sort of perverse freudian slip that the anglos give away as to their true intent. When the entire society is this diseased, the prospects for peace are exceedingly dim.
The day may yet come where either ABM technology supported with hypersonics will be able to confer a decent amount of protection against nukes or the mental taboo against nukes is overcome. The anglos have expressed no such qualms against using nukes on asians unlike the healthy amount of fear they had against Soviet nukes.
I will stress however that should the day come and the balloon goes up for this much desired grand ride of the Rohirrim against China, then we cannot expect the anglos to view this as a normal civilised war, not when they were so ready to unleash biological weapons in Korea against asians.
How would this “all of society” campaign come about? Like the sort of gray zone warfare that the anglos perfected against native Americans; a multi generational multi decade and even century spanning campaign of PLA expeditionary forces making landfall on the American continent, forcing the people to accept the new Chinese order. In fact there is precedent, the multi decade long campaign against the xiongnu and the Anglo invasion of aboriginal australia. Make no mistake, judging by the dialogues of western commentators be they jack London or your average 4chan aficionado, their desire for genocide against Chinese is even more stark, and it bleeds into their everyday interactions with Chinese and other Asian peoples. Look how Americans turn a blind eye to the violence against Asian elders and how they only accept homosexual or fat and non threatening Asian men In the workplace. The core aim of this campaign is not simply to take the North American and Australian continents but to deprive the five eyes of the resources of those continents. Razing and destroying crop lands of the Midwest wheat belt and the arable lands of Australia or the mass firebombing of bushland is no different to the Anglo extermination of the native Americans by proxy by wiping out the buffalo.
Looking at the Anglo mind, why were they so psycho when supposedly China hacked the database of personnel of US government workers? Because the Anglo Americans got it into their heads that China would program a global suicide drone for each and every member of that database using facial recognition and biometric data, That’s the sort of perverse freudian slip that the anglos give away as to their true intent. When the entire society is this diseased, the prospects for peace are exceedingly dim.
At the same time America would be able to get concessions where Taiwan’s internal political and social positions are left largely intact similar to Hong Kong and limit mainland law enforcement powers.
The CIA would have a field day fermenting unrest and maybe even starting a terrorism movement and use the existing of that terrorism movement, and China’s counter terrorism efforts as justification for economic sanctions and increased military spending.
To be frank, after the lessons from HK, Beijing would have to be stupid to accept another such poison chalice from the Anglos.
Taiwan’s society is massively compromised by anti-Chinese elements and forces and needs to be thoroughly purged post reunification. Better to do that under the cover of war than with the CIA holding magnifying glasses to make every Chinese traitor a hero and martyr of the west.