This one's adorable. Whenever my people (Polish) bring up the things we did in the past and expect some quid pro quo for it, we're always told they're a "separate issue", that expecting reciprocity for good behavior is naive, and everything that matters is the harsh reality. That's why we don't get restitution from Germany, that's why the bodies of Volhynia genocide don't get exhumed, that's why to this day the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who fought in the West remain largely unrecognized. Who cares that we saved jews once? There was that one guy who didn't, so argument is invalid. We constantly get told that good deeds are not a currency in politics.
This "expert" obviously has no idea that the Soviet Union would have contributed to the liberation of China otherwise.
Now the 'murcans are trying to use the same coin? You just know they're going down if that's all they've got...