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Junior Member
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Family is innocent. That's too much and often doesn't discourage the behaviour in the first place so it makes zero sense to do such a thing. Chinese people unfortunately usually have very little loyalty to the country. You'll never find a Japanese doing this except when totally politically motivated back when they had socialists/communists who wanted to defect to NK. For Chinese, it's just about money and status. Give them those and many would sell their country out. A real shame. Americans are somewhere in between those two extremes.
Wrong. Often times the family is involved so they should be punished accordingly. If there is one thing these people value as much as money it’s their family so there would certainly discourage such behaviors. It’s also a racism garbage to say most Chinese are not loyal when they have one of the most trust worthy government in the world.

The Japanese political establishment is already compromised by America and America is the only one who has that much money to bribe and control. So it’s ridiculous to say Japanese are more loyal to their own country when they have and still are sacrificing their own interests for their master.

Even the typical American is much more willing to be shameless in selling their own country as well, importing and hiring cheap illegal and legal aliens to make a profit, lobbying government to destroy competition while screwing the consumer aka legalized bribery. Does the crime rate in America makes you think these people give a shit about their own country anymore than the Chinese and their’s?
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Registered Member
Wrong. Often times the family is involved so they should be punished accordingly. If there is one thing these people value as much as money it’s their family so there would certainly discourage such behaviors. It’s also a racism garbage to say most Chinese are not loyal when they have one of the most trust worthy government in the world.

The Japanese political establishment is already compromised by America and America is the only one who has that much money to bribe and control. So it’s ridiculous to say Japanese are more loyal to their own country when they have and still are sacrificing their own interests for their master.

Even the typical American is much more willing to be shameless in selling their own country as well, importing and hiring cheap illegal and legal aliens to make a profit, lobbying government to destroy competition while screwing the consumer aka legalized bribery. Does the crime rate in America makes you think these people give a shit about their own country anymore than the Chinese and their’s?

What you're talking about is a perception issue. The Japanese perceive their allegiance with the US to be a good thing for them.

Chinese who know better than selling national secrets to adversary do so still when given a diamond studded carrot. The Japanese will not.

How many times have the public already been shown examples of traitors performing high treason? Just years ago there was an example of one who sold China's nuclear arsenal secrets to the US. How many westerners have betrayed their nations to that same degree? Not a single one I can think of. Not a single case in modern history. Rest is just wishful thinking and semantics. These asshats in China selling out their country in such a fashion only exist in China (among relatively wealthy and well to do nations that is). Talk to 10 Chinese people and you can easily find 3 where you would have suspicion they would do the same if ever given the opportunity. The hate some Chinese people have for China is mind boggling. These same 3 people you can usually sense have a sick level of internalised racism and self-hate + grandiosity for western everything.

The japanese (using that example) have a hell of a lot more pride in their nation and civilisation than Chinese have for China. Semantics and coping aside, this is truth. We can talk about nonsense how Japanese are mistreated by Americans but still love them etc. That's completely irrelevant to the point Im making.


Junior Member
Registered Member
What you're talking about is a perception issue. The Japanese perceive their allegiance with the US to be a good thing for them.

Chinese who know better than selling national secrets to adversary do so still when given a diamond studded carrot. The Japanese will not.

How many times have the public already been shown examples of traitors performing high treason? Just years ago there was an example of one who sold China's nuclear arsenal secrets to the US. How many westerners have betrayed their nations to that same degree? Not a single one I can think of. Not a single case in modern history. Rest is just wishful thinking and semantics. These asshats in China selling out their country in such a fashion only exist in China (among relatively wealthy and well to do nations that is). Talk to 10 Chinese people and you can easily find 3 where you would have suspicion they would do the same if ever given the opportunity. The hate some Chinese people have for China is mind boggling. These same 3 people you can usually sense have a sick level of internalised racism and self-hate + grandiosity for western everything.

The japanese (using that example) have a hell of a lot more pride in their nation and civilisation than Chinese have for China. Semantics and coping aside, this is truth. We can talk about nonsense how Japanese are mistreated by Americans but still love them etc. That's completely irrelevant to the point Im making.
Wrong again just look at the plaza accord which led to the Japan’s lost decade. Japan’s sanctions have also harmed theirselves despite their initial unwillingness. It’s not a matter of perception, it’s that they can not say no to their master. So they have already sold their own country. You seem to have some wild delusions about Japan.

1. America is by far the most capable of having the money, expertise and the will to bribe and manipulate other countries. China is their number one target. It’s the nature of the opponent China is facing.
2. Chances many of these westerners have been compromised by America and of course they are not going to publicize it. A number of theses western politicians are suspected to be CIA assets. Your personally experience with traitors means nothing it only indicates the crowd you hang around with.
3. During the Cold War there a number of traitors from the west but China today is not following the same path as the Soviet Union. If you want to talk about traitors today a lot people accuse Trump of being a Russian asset. Do you think Trump would be willing to sell his country for his own personal gains? Lol

Pride requires standing up for yourself when it counts and Japan doesn’t, Japan is merely a useful puppet.


Senior Member
What you're talking about is a perception issue. The Japanese perceive their allegiance with the US to be a good thing for them.

Chinese who know better than selling national secrets to adversary do so still when given a diamond studded carrot. The Japanese will not.

How many times have the public already been shown examples of traitors performing high treason? Just years ago there was an example of one who sold China's nuclear arsenal secrets to the US. How many westerners have betrayed their nations to that same degree? Not a single one I can think of. Not a single case in modern history. Rest is just wishful thinking and semantics. These asshats in China selling out their country in such a fashion only exist in China (among relatively wealthy and well to do nations that is). Talk to 10 Chinese people and you can easily find 3 where you would have suspicion they would do the same if ever given the opportunity. The hate some Chinese people have for China is mind boggling. These same 3 people you can usually sense have a sick level of internalised racism and self-hate + grandiosity for western everything.

The japanese (using that example) have a hell of a lot more pride in their nation and civilisation than Chinese have for China. Semantics and coping aside, this is truth. We can talk about nonsense how Japanese are mistreated by Americans but still love them etc. That's completely irrelevant to the point Im making.

I wonder is there anything in Japan worth stealing, that MSS are willing to throw money at? Maybe that's why there are no Japanese traitors, nothing there worth stealing.
Japan military is u.s military, why would China wasting time and money on american military outpost?
China would be better off going after the main source; the u.s and China got nothing but tremendous success. Just look at the current geopolitical trends, who is distracted and neck deep in endless two front wars and who is been relentlessly advancing on all fronts.


Registered Member
Wrong again just look at the plaza accord which led to the Japan’s lost decade. Japan’s sanctions have also harmed theirselves despite their initial unwillingness. It’s not a matter of perception, it’s that they can not say no to their master. So they have already sold their own country. You seem to have some wild delusions about Japan.

1. America is by far the most capable of having the money, expertise and the will to bribe and manipulate other countries. China is their number one target. It’s the nature of the opponent China is facing.
2. Chances many of these westerners have been compromised by America and of course they are not going to publicize it. A number of theses western politicians are suspected to be CIA assets. Your personally experience with traitors means nothing it only indicates the crowd you hang around with.
3. During the Cold War there a number of traitors from the west but China today is not following the same path as the Soviet Union. If you want to talk about traitors today a lot people accuse Trump of being a Russian asset. Do you think Trump would be willing to sell his country for his own personal gains? Lol

Pride requires standing up for yourself when it counts and Japan doesn’t, Japan is merely a useful puppet.
This reminds me of a talk where Chinese Americans "concede" to their white counterparts that Chinese (and ethnic Chinese) are actually the "most racists" in the world, much more so than Anglos who actually committed continental style genocide and slavery... based on this "rationale" of perception.....

Its another variant of "the white man shrieks out in pain as he strikes you"... basically mental dominance and subjugation where one is tricked into "counting money after being sold"


Registered Member
I wonder is there anything in Japan worth stealing, that MSS are willing to throw money at? Maybe that's why there are no Japanese traitors, nothing there worth stealing.
Japan military is u.s military, why would China wasting time and money on american military outpost?
China would be better off going after the main source; the u.s and China got nothing but tremendous success. Just look at the current geopolitical trends, who is distracted and neck deep in endless two front wars and who is been relentlessly advancing on all fronts.
We share the same opinion bro the Chinese are playing with Philippines, SK and Japan BUT they are deadly serious in their preparation against the US. Cause both side view each other as an existential threat on their way of life.

And here again I keep repeating myself, the SCS issue is done and dusted, China had won, it had become a Chinese lake, They had escalatory Dominance and it will be extended to the first Island Chain by 2025 and the 2nd Island chain by 2028. There is nothing for both the Philippines and the Japanese can do about it BUT cry victimhood and later for forgiveness.
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Registered Member
Wrong again just look at the plaza accord which led to the Japan’s lost decade. Japan’s sanctions have also harmed theirselves despite their initial unwillingness. It’s not a matter of perception, it’s that they can not say no to their master. So they have already sold their own country. You seem to have some wild delusions about Japan.

1. America is by far the most capable of having the money, expertise and the will to bribe and manipulate other countries. China is their number one target. It’s the nature of the opponent China is facing.
2. Chances many of these westerners have been compromised by America and of course they are not going to publicize it. A number of theses western politicians are suspected to be CIA assets. Your personally experience with traitors means nothing it only indicates the crowd you hang around with.
3. During the Cold War there a number of traitors from the west but China today is not following the same path as the Soviet Union. If you want to talk about traitors today a lot people accuse Trump of being a Russian asset. Do you think Trump would be willing to sell his country for his own personal gains? Lol

Pride requires standing up for yourself when it counts and Japan doesn’t, Japan is merely a useful puppet.
Yup, when for example South Korea already been willingly Plaza Accorded, its easy to claim "soft powa" via Kpop etc as a self-consolation prize and copium mechanism, and Biden will invite their President to white house and sing songs all the while their entire nation already bent the knee to their Anglo Masters


Registered Member
My understanding of economics is a bit weak on this subject but if one party is selling the debt then another is buying it, so what difference does it make to the European?
Think of it as like a bank run. If word gets out that your bank is not giving someone their money and has in fact stolen it and misappropriated it to lend to another person who is trying to kill that person and their family, would you continue giving your hard earned savings into that bank? Reputation matters, especially on modern economies which are built on trust and where currencies are backed by nothing but brute force if not gold.
If there was ever an appropriate occasion for death penalty of an entire family, plus assassinations abroad of parties deeply involved with the grand treason (such as his son), compromising your country's strategic nuclear forces would be that occasion.
There's a reason 誅連九族 was a thing.
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But it would be unfair and unjust for patriotic family members to suffer becuase of the selfishness of a traitor and moreover, traitors tend to alienate their family members due to their treasonous nature. However, strategic nuclear weapons are no laughing matter so i would support the heaviest of penalties imposed, especially in an environment where the Anglo led West are drooling over nuking Chinese cities and Chinese people.


Registered Member
Ask yourselves how come no American has ever sold US nuclear secrets to China (on public record) and yet it is clear on two occasions this decade where Chinese nationals have sold China's nuclear arsenal related secrets to the US. China no doubt has strong intelligence gathering in the US. The US recognises this and China has in the past revealed it held high level details on US warhead configurations. That is more likely from effective spying rather than some American General just handing over documents to the Chinese.


New Member
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So, was he really punished because he was a spy? If he truly was a spy, then what information did he actually leak? From my understanding, if the commander of the PLA Rocket Force was a spy, the United States should have had access to a lot of internal secrets. However, did the United States fail to effectively utilize this information advantage to maintain its own military technology superiority?
By the way, I would like to ask about the roles of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China. I have always had difficulty understanding the functions of these two departments.