not even the west in general. Spain, Italy and Greece were the centers of the west since Roman times, where are they now? Spain was first mover in the Americas too yet the Spanish Navy today is just... not the Spanish Navy of 1500.Yes, I know there was a good reason why the Chinese imperial system was set up in the way it did. However, with hindsight, we can see certain structural factors led to China developing differently from the West and a lot of that is cultural.
I also suspect the cultural emphasis in China on farmers and bureaucrats had a lot do with China's uniquely huge population size and density. Lots of people providing cheap labor is good but it also means more rules and organization are needed to keep the system from falling from entropy.
That's why there is a higher emphasis on bureaucratic management and large-scale agriculture in China rather than a community of self-sufficient individuals like in the West, especially in the USA. Rural towns can be more democratic and libertarian because there is a lot of space and few people living there. In contrast, large urban cities cannot be so with limited space and lots of people, so they are run in a more top-down fashion and tend to be more socialist.
Even as late as the 1500s, some Europeans lived in mud huts and didn't even have writing when Chinese, Indians (and other Europeans) already had thousands of years of literature, art, technology, etc. Norse kings would launch Crusades to pacify these 'pagan barbarians' even more brutal than the Middle East.